Flavourful Brussel Sprouts Recipe

August 24, 2017

What do you mean; some people don’t like Brussel Sprouts?

Brussel sprouts are really underestimated as far as flavour goes. People think back to their childhood, being served up soggy Brussel sprouts that have been way over cooked.

Brussel sprouts belong to a group called cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables contain a sulfur called glucosinolates. This sulfur is a serious inflammation fighter and helps to prevent cancer. Brussel sprouts sound more appetizing already.

Brussel sprouts are an excellent source of Vitamin C. It is great at boosting immune systems and preventing colds. Vitamin C is also an inflammation fighter that can help prevent cancer. These tiny sprouts can kick cancer to the curb.

Children and Brussel sprouts don’t have to battle at dinner time. Mini bite-sized food is more appealing to young children. Try having kids compare the differences between a cabbage and a Brussel sprout. They might be more interested to try Brussel sprouts.

The body can easily digest Brussel sprouts (a non-starchy vegetable) when combined with olive oil or bacon. Bacon adds a lot of flavour to this dish.

As I have two young children, dinner time can be a little hectic. I try to make recipes simple and uncomplicated. Give this recipe a try and I’m sure everyone will be pleasantly surprised.

Flavourful Brussel Sprouts Recipe

Prep Time: 10min

Cook Time: 30 min


  • 2 Cups of Brussel Sprouts
  • 3 Strips of Bacon
  • 2 Tbsp of Olive Oil
  • 1 Clove of Garlic
  • Sea Salt
  • Fresh Ground Black Pepper


  • Pre-heat oven to 375C degrees. Wash Brussel sprouts. Cut off ends of each Brussel sprout and slice in half. (Slicing the sprouts in half will allow the Brussel sprouts to cook more evenly).
  • Place the sprouts in a baking dish. Cut bacon into smaller strips over the Brussel sprouts. (I like to use a clean pair of scissors to cut the bacon. Sometimes chopping bacon with a knife can be tricky).
  • In a smaller bowl add olive oil, crushed clove of garlic, sprinkle sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Stir.
  • Drizzle olive oil and seasoning mix over the Brussel sprouts and stir gently. (I like to skip steps 3 and 4 by simply adding oil and seasonings directly to the Brussel sprouts. Gently mix all ingredients together. Less dishes to wash).
  • Place the baking dish in the oven and cook for 15min. Stir Brussel sprouts and return to oven for the final 15 min. (The Brussel sprouts will be a nice vibrant colour and the bacon will be crisp).


References: Wikipedia,    Integrative health Principles, Nutraphoria


About the Author

Nicole Millington

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