What Is Food Combining And How Can It Help You?

September 8, 2017

There are so many factors that help to create a healthy diet. Something I didn’t consider before (mostly because I wasn’t aware of it and also because I’m one of the fortunate people without a severe food sensitivity), is food combining.

What Is Food Combining And How Can It Help You?

The most basic theory is that for best digestion, and to get the most out of the food we are eating, we need to consider which types of foods we are eating at the same meal.


According to those following a food combining diet, fruits are best eaten alone, as they are more easily digested than other foods.

Meats and Starches

Both meat and starches require high (but opposite levels) of acid-alkaline balance in the body. Meats require a more acidic environment, and starches require an environment that is much more alkaline. Knowing this, a major principle of food combining is to ensure high protein foods are not ate at the same time as starchy foods. Have you ever had that super tired feeling after a big Christmas meal? Or have had an upset stomach after eating a steak with potatoes and vegetables? It’s most likely because your body is using too much energy trying to digest food in an environment that is competing against itself.

So, what are the best ways to combine food at a meal?


  • Eating fruits alone
  • Starches and vegetables eaten together
  • Protein and vegetables eaten together

If you struggle with digestion, this may be a good diet to consider. It might generate less stress on the intestinal tract and therefore create overall better health – both long and short term.

About the Author

Jami Danko

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Diabetes General Nutrition and Meal Plans Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Pre and Post natal nutrition Womens Weight Loss and Wellness


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