Food our life Force

October 30, 2016

You Are What You Eat

Everyone has heard the phrase you are what you eat…books have been written on this phrase but do we really understand it?

Every cell in our body is a by-product of what is being consumed on a daily basis.  You may not feel it but our body is constantly repairing & building itself – all the cells in our body have a shelf life…which means that some cells in our body either die or they regenerate.

The skin 28 days, the liver 5 months, the bone 10 yrs; so every single day the body is making new cell to replace the dead ones and those new cells are largely made out of what we eat.   All living organism are divided into cells, humans have different cell types, and every part of the body is made up of cells.

The food we eat gives our body information and material it needs to function optimally.   If we feed our body unhealthy food, our health declines, we become overweight, and could risk developing illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease.  Food rich in nutrients will help build cells that work better and are able to fight off diseases.  Not only is the body building new cells, it’s also repairing existing cells which includes the normal wear & tear of daily life (ie exercise,pollution,injury).  Because our bodies have been made to function around the clock without rest; the nutrients in our food enable our cells to perform all of their important functions.

You can change how you look or feel very quickly by eating wholesome unprocessed food, eating more vegetables and fruits, drinking more water….try it yourself for 1 month.  Focus on healthy wholesome foods, no junk food, sugary snacks, fizzy drinks & see how you feel.  Your skin is the first place people will notice the difference coupled with increased energy, weight loss, sleeping better, improved digestion, and better mental health.

 Food our life force.  It can lead to life, or disease which eventually leads to death. Start today and start living to the best of your body’s capabilities…the Fork is your hands.

About the Author

Joyce Busari

Nutritional counseling


 Joyce Busari is an aesthetician with 15 years experience,she trained at the prestigious champneys college UK,after graduation worked at various spas before opening her very...

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