Food Marketing Translations

November 16, 2013 marketing translations.   Coles notes version:  we are being duped.    Food marketing is BIG business – up in the billions big.   Even those with the best of intentions have a hard time deciphering the mixed messages.    The info-graphic below is a funny rendition depicting the reality of the most common food marketing translations.

food marketing translations


 This YouTube video we came across is a great example of the dark side of food marketing.   It’s a gooder!  🙂

About the Author

Lynnel Bjorndal

Lynnel Bjorndal

Digestion, Hormonal Balance, Weight loss Holistic Nutritionist Weight Loss

British Columbia

Hi!  I am the Director of the NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition and a Holistic Nutritionist with over 20 years of experience. I am passionate...

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