Food As Medicine – Mango Reigns Supreme

November 23, 2017

Food As Medicine – Mango Reigns Supreme

During my recent travels in India, Taiwan, and China, I was again struck by the very basic way in which food is naturally considered as much more than a simple pleasure to the palate. Fruits and vegetables are recognized as an integral part of health and preventative medicine. The idea of food as medicine is that each bite of food has either positive or negative effects on the body. Nothing is neutral when it comes to nutrition. The beauty of nature is that much of this “medicine” is simply delicious.

From India through South-East Asia and China, the mango is considered the king of the fruits. It is sweet. It is delicious. It is an absolute treat for the taste buds. The mango is also a highly impactful ingredient toward a healthy, balanced, happy body. This delicious fruit is packed with numerous vitamins and minerals, as well as plenty of natural fiber. Mangoes are simply so tasty that many people forget that they have many health benefits.

Here are some of the surprising health benefits of mangoes…

  • Cancer protection. High level of antioxidants and enzymes, which help to protect against various forms of cancer, including prostate, breast, and colon cancers.
  • Lower cholesterol levels. High levels of fiber, pectin, and vitamin C help to lower LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Maintains alkaline balance in the body. The Tartaric and Malic acids that are found in mango help to maintain the body’s alkali reserve.
  • Mango promotes healthy sexual activity due to a high concentration of vitamin E.
  • Maintains healthy digestion. Mango contains enzymes that help in breaking down protein. The fibrous nature of mango helps in digestion and elimination. It is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Supports the immune system. Generous amounts of vitamins A & C are found in mangoes, along with 25 different types of carotenoids.
  • A high level of glutamine acid helps with concentration and memory.

Whether mango is incorporated as a snack food on it’s own or as an element within a salad or meal, it carries a great potential to improve one’s overall wellbeing. The greatest way that an individual can look after his or her own level of health is to make nutritional choices that help to prevent the onset of illness. “The King of the Fruits” might just be the most delicious way to give oneself the upper hand when it comes to disease prevention, and an effective medicine toward general health.

About the Author

Philip Bryden

Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Food as Medicine Health and Sport Nutrition Holistic and Sports Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Nutrition Coach Plant based nutrition Sport Nutrition Sports and Plant Based Nutrition Vegan Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition


My name is Philip Bryden. I am the the founder and owner of Mush Nutrition and am a Certified Sports Nutrition Specialist. I also also...

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