August 25, 2017
There are many benefits to garlic aside from its ability to ward off vampires and its delicious taste addition to various savoury dishes.
Garlic: Not Just for Warding off Vampires
So, what are some of the benefits of this delightful herb?
Garlic Benefits
- It is a highly effective antimicrobial, which means that it will target a variety of foreign viruses and bacteria and help to eliminate them from the body. It has even been tested against some prescription antibiotics and has warranted its place among these for efficacy.
- It is effective against Candida as well, so if you are suffering from any of the various symptoms of this pesky yeast, adding some garlic could prove of great use.
- Garlic also functions as an anti-parasitic. It will target a few types of roundworm and hookworm that may invade your intestinal tract.
- It serves as an anti-inflammatory agent. It may, therefore, be beneficial for issues like Irritable Bowel Disease.
- Garlic is known, less so, for its ability to fight free-radicals and prevent oxidizing. It can therefore be used as a preventative where cancers are concerned and for anti-aging purposes as well.
- It will increase energy.
- It also has a helpful effect on the circulatory system.
- Garlic will lower your LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and raise your HDL levels (good cholesterol).
- It will also lower blood pressure.
- Another thing garlic will do for you is provide you with a mild digestive cleanse. This will help keep things moving properly in your intestinal tract.
- It also helps to control blood sugar by attaching itself to substances that would otherwise attach themselves to insulin and deactivate it. This gives the insulin a chance to do its job and maintain the sugar balance in the system.
If the vampires weren’t enough to make you want to incorporate this into your routine then these scientifically proven reasons certainly should.
References: Staying Healthy with Nutrition: Elson M. Haas MD