Goji Berries: A Superfruit

February 6, 2017

What are Goji Berries? 

Goji berries are small red-ish berries and when dried they are similar to raisins. These tiny berries are traditionally used in Chinese medicine because they are reaping with many health benefits.

Goji berries are low in calories, fat free, and are packed with a good source of protein which makes it the perfect snack on the go. They also contain over 20 different vitamins and minerals and are rich in antioxidants.

They are known as the superfood berries by many health practitioners and here’s why:

  • Goji berries help fight disease
  • Effectively manage weight
  • Improve digestion and bowel functions
  • help build stronger musculoskeletal systems
  • improve cardiovascular health and inflammatory diseases
  • protect the liver
  • improve circulation
  • promote longevity
  • help boost energy levels and generate feelings of well-being
  • treat diabetes
  • improve immune function and prevent cancer
  • improve sexual function and fertility
  • promotes healthy skin and eyes
  • help treat hypertension
  • help treat infectious diseases
  • help treat the common cold and fever

You can consume berries raw, dried, liquid or powered form. They are very versatile and can be added to any dish. I love to sprinkle goji berries in my salads, eat them with pumpkin seeds as a perfect snack when I’m on the go or even add them to my morning smoothies. Whichever way you eat these tiny red superfood you will always reap the benefits!


benefits of goji berries

About the Author

Melissa Fazioli

Holistic Health Coach Nutrition Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit

Laval Montreal

Hi, I am Melissa. Since i was a kid and throughout my teens i have struggled with my weight. I ate junk food everyday and it was...

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