A great start to a great day!

January 23, 2017

This is it! Today is the day!

The holiday’s are over and you know you are ready to make a change…now what do you do?  This is a point so many of us have been at multiple times in our lives.  You tell yourself, “I’m ready, I can do this”.  And then you walk into your kitchen.  The excitement starts to fade a little, you think about what you ate yesterday and you know that’s not going to work.  You start to get a bit confused and maybe a bit overwhelmed, and the thought “maybe I’ll start tomorrow” starts to creep faster and faster into your head.

We’ve all been down this path so many times, it’s time to break the cycle.  The first thing to remember is to just take it one meal at a time.  Conquer this, and be proud of yourself…you started.

This recipe is so easy you won’t be able to fail 🙂

Quick & Easy Smoothie Recipe:

  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1-2 cups water (I like to fill my blender cup all the way up, if you like your smoothie super cold you can also add ice here)
  • 1tbs chia seeds or ground flax seed
  • 1 serving vanilla or chocolate plant based protein shake powder of your choice (believe it or not, the chocolate in this combo is awesome)

Place all ingredients together in your blender cup and blend away.  I told you it was easy!

blueberry smoothie recipe nutraphoria

I like to sip mine on the way to work on day’s I need to run out of the house.  And I love when the kids want some, because they don’t even know they are drinking spinach;)

This is definitely a great way to boost your morning a put you on the path to an amazing new day.  Enjoy your journey:)


About the Author

anita curley nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Anita Jo Curley

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Currently enrolled in CHNC program Holistic Nutrition Coach

As a Certified Athletic Trainer, Certified strength and conditioning specialist, and now a personal trainer, I have so many clients that despite doing everything “right” still struggle to find...

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