Green Smoothies That Even Your Kids Will Drink

September 14, 2017

Green smoothies are an excellent way to get extra fruits and vegetables into your family. The average North American diet does not include enough with our busy lifestyle and all too often fast food is a regular weekly occurrence. Families are busy running from work to picking up the kids at school to running from one extracurricular activity to another. Lunches consist of packaged snacks such as fruit roll-ups that contain too much sugar and have no nutritional value. We need more fresh ingredients in our diet and a green smoothie is an easy and delicious choice.

Green Smoothies

How do you choose your ingredients? 

The basics begin with water, we all need eight glasses a day to stay hydrated. Dehydration increases our risk of diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome and adult-onset diabetes. For your greens, I recommend baby spinach to start with. It is less bitter than regular spinach and your family won’t notice the taste as much. Spinach contains protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals and is good for our skin and hair and our bone health.


  • 2 cups spinach
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple
  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 medium banana


  • Always start with blending just the spinach and water, this way you will be able to see when the pieces of spinach are well blended
  • Add in the fruit, I like to use frozen fruit as it is easy to store in your freezer without worries of it spoiling and it makes your smoothie nice and cold
  • Blend all the ingredients until it is smooth, if it is too thick add a little more water
  • Pour into glasses and enjoy!

You can store in an airtight mason jar in the fridge for up to 48 hours, but they taste best when they are fresh.

Be creative, use different fruits and vegetables depending on what you have in your kitchen. The internet is full of different recipes for those that need some inspiration.

About the Author

Angela Rosenow

Holistic Nutrition Nutrition Coach


I spent the last twenty plus years raising a family and didn’t enter the workforce until my kids were all school age.  A large part...

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