Healthy Fats You Need & Toxic Ones You Need To Ditch

September 11, 2018

We have been conditioned for years to fear fat. We have been told over and over that fat is bad, and that consuming fat will make you fat. But the science is now showing that we have nothing to fear when it comes to consuming healthy fats and that we actually need to be eating a lot more of them.

Fat is a part of every cell membrane in our body and which are imperative for our brain and nerve function. Our brains are made up of approximately 60% fat, which makes consuming healthy fats essential for our brain and mental health. Fat is needed for our sexual health, keeping our hormones balanced and building up our immune systems. We also need fats to absorb certain vitamins and nutrients from our food.

So now that we are learning that we no longer need to fear fat, it is important to know which to use and which to avoid.

Some of these fats that you should stop consuming are; canola, soybean, cottonseed, safflower, peanut and corn oil. Canola oil, for instance, is made from the rapeseed plant which is toxic to humans and animals, genetically modified, heavily sprayed with glyphosate. Then highly refined and bleached, often partially hydrogenated to increase its stability.

Another issue with fats, is they have what is called a smoke point. It is the temperature at which the nutritional content of an oil undergoes a chemical breakdown. This leads to it becoming rancid, toxic and harmful when consumed. Many restaurants will reuse their oils for weeks at a time, which unfortunately causing the smoke point to be lower to toxic levels. Most oils cannot be safely heated to high temperatures,

Healthy Fats You Need & Toxic Ones You Need To Ditch

So which Healthy Fats should you be stocking up on?

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is mild tasting, which can be used in both cooked and uncooked recipes. Because of its high smoke point (520F), it is the best oil to cook with.

It is high in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is very heart-healthy. It can help lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise your HDL (good cholesterol) and it contains antioxidants which fight free radical damage. It helps to improve arthritis symptoms and lower blood pressure. Avocado oil is also rich in thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamins A & E.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another oil that works well in both cooked and uncooked recipes. Best for low heat cooking because of its lower smoke point (350F). Best use for baking or adding in at the end

Coconut oil is mostly saturated fat containing a large quantity of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). Which are easier to digest than long-chain fatty acids. They are processed by the liver, which means they are immediately converted into energy, and not easily stored as fat. Coconut oil is an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-fungal. It also helps to lower LDL and raise HDL.

Olive Oil

Olive oil has a much lower smoke point (280F). It should only be used for very light cooking, or better yet, drizzling on after cooking or using in dressings.

Olive oil is one of the oldest oils and its benefits have been known for thousands of years. It contains monounsaturated fats, which is helpful for our heart health. It is high in antioxidants, which protect your cells from damage. It is also great for brain health and is anti-inflammatory.

Ghee or Grass-Fed Butter

Ghee has a smoke point of 485C, which makes it a good option for high heat cooking. Grass-fed butter has a lower smoke point (350C), which would be better for baking or cooking at lower temperatures.

Both ghee and grass-fed butter contain short & medium-chain fatty acids and butyric acid. Butyric acid helps our digestion, as well as IBS and Crohn’s. It is an anti-inflammatory, fights insulin resistance, helps weight loss and is essential for detoxing. Both contain Vitamins A, E & K. The only nutritional difference between to two is that ghee contains no lactose or casein.

Healthy Fats Nutraphoria

About the Author

Robyn Oakenfold

Holistic Health Coach


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