Homemade 3 Ingredient Hydrating Face Mask

December 1, 2017

Homemade 3 Ingredient Hydrating Face Mask

A good clean natural and organic face mask doesn’t have to be expensive or does it have to be store bought. A motto I live by when it comes to my daily skin regime is “If I can’t eat it then it doesn’t belong on my skin”.

When it comes to lifestyle and the world we live in, there are many harsh chemicals, toxins and environmental pollutions that are impossible to avoid so I try to keep my daily skin regime as simple, natural and toxic free as possible. Our skin in the biggest organ in our bodies and absorbs everything so it’s very important to be consciously aware of the stuff you are putting on it by checking labels, google ingredients, numbers and preservatives added to products because a lot of the time all these weird names and numbers written on the back of labels are doing more damage than good.

What we eat also affects our skin so it’s important to eat well and drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated and supple – I drink at least 3 litres of water a day. Depending on the climate you live in you may drink less or more, but just remember water is key to healthy skin.

Here is a simple, no fuss, no mess 3 ingredient face mask which is perfect for any skin type especially skin feeling tired, run down, looking dull and lifeless. It is easy to mix and will leave your skin feeling smooth and happy so you can feel beautiful in your skin no matter what life throws at you.


  • 1/2 Avocado – Full of healthy fatty acids, the natural oils in avocado can penetrate deep into the skin, helping to soften and hydrate dry and flaky patches.
  • 1/2 Lemon squeezed – High in vitamin C and citric acid, lemon is a natural exfoliate which helps peel and remove top layers of dead skin cells. Leaving your skin soft and bright.
  • 1 Tea spoon Raw Organic Honey – has healing qualities, is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Full of antioxidants, great complexion boost and locks moisture into your skin to help create a glow.


  • Mix all ingredients into a small bowl, option to add filtered water to change the consistency of the mask.
  • Apply to face with fingers, lather the mask avoiding the eyes and let set until dry or for 25-30 minutes
  • Wash off with warm water and pat face dry

I try to do this face mask at least once a week, any left over just pop it in the fridge covered and it should be good for 3 days.

Enjoy, stay hydrated and look after your skin xx

About the Author

Bree Mcilroy

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Fitness/Health General Nutrition and Meal Plans Holistic Health and Wellness Holistic Nutrition Coach Holistic Nutrition for Health Holistic Nutritionist Nutrition Nutrition and Health Coach Plant based nutrition Vegetarian nutrition


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