How Big Is Your “BUT”?

February 14, 2018

How Big Is Your “BUT”?

Do you have a big BUT? Sometimes I do. As much as I am all over the holistic nutrition thing, sometimes I can have a really big BUT when it comes to exercising.  You know how it goes, I was going to exercise today

…BUT something came up

…BUT I ran out of time

…BUT I was too tired

…BUT I forgot

…BUT (fill in your own excuse here?)

The general consensus is that health is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. Regardless of the ratio, the point is that nutrition and exercise do complement each other to complete the wellness picture. We really shouldn’t have one without the other.

Frankly, I am not someone who will go to the gym; been there, done that, hated it for so many reasons. I prefer to reduce the size of my BUT by finding ways to incorporate more movement into my daily tasks, things like taking the stairs; parking a distance away from where I need to be; walking instead of driving etc. (And, I end each day with a lengthy fast-paced walk.) The goal is to get moving for a minimum of 30 minutes per day, and that can be a challenge for many busy people. But we all have to grocery shop, right?

(Fine print: The following may not be applicable for everyone, particularly those who use a grocery delivery service and/or shop with dependents. Regardless, there is a good post-exercise recipe for all who continue reading.)

Here is a great workout that will help you multitask your way to better health:

*The Grocery Store Fitness Plan:

  • Strap on a pair of ankle weights to add some weight to your legs.
  • Park away from the store entrance to increase walking distance.
  • You can warm up by walking laps around the store aisles before filling your cart, and then later do laps with items in your cart with the push weight increased.
  • Push that cart! Be aware of your posture. Engage your abs, keep your head up, chest out, shoulders back, and eyes front. Try to walk briskly without being a hazard to fellow shoppers.
  • Travel up and down each aisle, even if you don’t need items from those shelves. (Or you may want to avoid the tempting aisles, like where the dill pickle chips live!)
  • Can you carry your groceries in a basket instead of using a cart? If so, this will add a weight-bearing element as you walk. Carrying one basket in each hand will offer balance.
  • While waiting in the checkout line, you can be flexing any parts of you that that may need a little stretching out. Be aware of your breathing. Pull your belly button in towards your back. Exhale and inhale with intention while flexing your core.

Depending on the size of your store (hello, big-box stores!), you can really turn your grocery shopping into a workout session. And, after your sweaty jaunt through the grocery aisles, you can refuel with a delicious post-workout treat. Bonus: this is a no-bake recipe.


  • 10 pitted dates
  • ½ cup of coconut flakes
  • ½ cup of hemp hearts
  • 2 tablespoons of almond butter
  • Pinch of cinnamon


  • Combine ingredients in food processor.
  • Roll mixture into preferred size, usually about 10 pieces.
  • Store in refrigerator.
How big is your BUT now?

(*Grocery store fitness plan approved by Personal Trainer, April Knarr. Find April on social media here: @AJK_Fit4Life)

Nourish your body. Nurture your soul. Live life fully from the inside out!

P.S. – Want to hang out? You can find me across most social media here: @HolisticJudith

(This information is to offer an understanding and knowledge of aspects of health and wellness. This is in no way a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician if you have any concerns.)

About the Author

Judith Duguid

Consulting Food as Medicine Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit


My own journey to health isn’t overly dramatic. I simply came to the point of realizing that no matter how much I read or researched...

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