How Morning’s Can Change Your Life

April 30, 2019

There’s a very common theme amongst successful, healthy people. They wake up before the sun and use their mornings in a healthy way. I’ve started doing this recently, and it has seriously influenced my life in so many ways!

So, below I will outline a few of the things I now do after waking up, and how they’ve positively affected me.

How Morning’s Can Change Your Life

Start The Day With A Glass Of Water

Starting the day with a big glass of water does great things for both your body and your mind. It helps prepare your body for breakfast, aids in rehydration after a long nights sleep, get’s your digestion moving, and puts you in the mindset that it’s going to be a great day!

Journal Your Thoughts

I’ve been spending 10 minutes every morning to write down my dreams, things I’m grateful for, what I’m looking to accomplish for the day, anything! This is a great way to get all the worries, fears or stresses out of your head and onto paper so you can focus on more important things throughout the rest of the day.


Meditation has made the biggest difference in my life since I started practicing for 10 minutes each morning, It reduces anxiety, calms the body and mind, and prepares me for anything the day might throw at me.


Finally, before breakfast, I try to get in at least 30 minutes of light exercise. For me, this is normally yoga, but you could go for a walk, do some bodyweight exercises, or even go for a run around the block if you wanted to! Exercise has many benefits including stress reduction, improved mood, boosted energy and improved sleep. It also sets you up so if your day is too busy, you’ve already got in your exercise for the day!

After completing all these steps, I will shower, make breakfast and get ready for my day. I’ve found this routine gives me so much mental clarity and really starts my day in the right way. When I follow this morning routine, I find the rest of the day is filled with many more positive decisions as opposed to days where I roll out of bed and scramble to work with a coffee and donut in hand. I’m sure that if you were to try these steps in the morning, you’d see the benefits as well!

About the Author

Eryn MacGillivray

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