It’s All About Balance

January 27, 2017

I feel that I can’t write a proper blog post unless you know a little about how I came to be here, in this moment, sitting at my dining room table, drinking green tea and studying to become a health coach.

Allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Dominique Perrin and I haven’t always had an interest in health and wellness.

Just 5 short years ago, I was an overweight, chain smoking, heavy drinking, out of shape, party girl. Health and nutrition weren’t even on my radar. For the record, I am not any of those things anymore.

My passion was sparked when I had a very scary panic attack. My body was screaming at me to make some changes. I listened, I started to do some research on what I could do to manage my anxiety. In the beginning, I didn’t have any intentions of helping anyone other than myself, but the healthier and happier I became, the more people started asking me about what I was doing. Still, it took a few years to decide that I had the skills and life experience to help others just as I had done for myself.

The more I learn and the more I explore the connection between mind, body and soul, the more I realize how little we all actually know. I think that the most important thing to remember in this journey through life is balance. Balance in everything. Nutrition, exercise, work, play, love, relationships, friends, family, etc.

My style of health coaching will be with tough love. I won’t lie to you or say things that I think you want to hear, I will tell you exactly what I think you need to hear. Honesty will be the key to our success as a client and a coach. I believe that you can have a perfect diet but still be unhealthy because you are experiencing stress which can and will wreak havoc on your body. I want to look at everything. What you’re eating, what you’re doing for fun, for work, exercise, sleep, your relationship with your spouse, your kids, yourself, it’s important to know that it’s all connected. My favorite quote is that you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you are not taking care of yourself, you can’t properly care for anyone else. It starts with you. It starts with your health.

From my own experience, I know that “diets” don’t work. Truthfully, I can’t stand the word “diet”. Calorie restrictions without actually taking into account the types of calories you are ingesting? Starving yourself so that you can have that glass of wine with dinner and stay within your daily calorie count? C’mon! It’s only a matter of time before you relapse and binge on an entire bag of chips, feel guilty about that, so you eat a box of crispy creams thinking that will help you feel better, and before you know it, you’ve gained more lbs then you’ve lost and you feel worse then you did when you started your diet.

It’s about simplicity.

Eat real food with ingredients that you can pronounce and stay out of the middle of the grocery store. Eat fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy proteins, nothing processed. This is my guideline, however, I don’t deprive myself of a sweet treat every now and then, and this keeps me happy and balanced.


About the Author

Dominique Perrin

Nutrition & Wellness Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Vegetarian nutrition Weight Loss

British Columbia Kelowna

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