Kale Chicken Salad

June 28, 2018

Healthy Recipe: Kale & Chicken Salad


  • 1 Lemon, Squeezed
  • 1.5 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Chicken breast, skinless
  • ½ Cup – Dried Cranberries
  • 1 Bunch – Kale
  • ¼ Cup – Sunflower Seeds (if desired)
  • Pinch – Himalayan Sea Salt
  • Pinch – Ground Black Pepper


  • Cook chicken thorougly, 20 min @ 400͒
  • Combine kale, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper
  • Top with cranberries, seeds, and chicken

Kale Chicken Salad Nutraphoria


About the Author

Sarah Jackson


Medicine Hat

Just a regular person trying to better myself and the lives around.

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