Lead By Example

June 14, 2018

Lead By Example

One of my biggest motivators in having a healthy relationship with my body and food has been my Munchkin.

As we know children watch our every move. Leading by example as her Mother is a priority for me. Especially based on my own obsessive and unhealthy struggle with self-love and nutrition for 20+ years.

Below are some tips I have implemented in our home to encourage a healthy body image and relationship with food:

  • No scales~ I do not weigh myself (can’t remember the last time)
    Our bodies are not defined by a number. If we need to weigh for the Dr visit then of course, but it’s just a number and does not determine our value.
  • No Comparison~ We do not compare our bodies to others wishing we were more or less. We are all unique and beautiful in our own way.
  • No Bad/Good labels~ Our food is not a punishment or reward. The Munchkin has a clear understanding of what each Macro group contains and how her body uses their nutrients. We enjoy all different types of foods at appropriate times.
  • No Judging our Bodies~ I never speak negatively of my body around the my daughter, let her speak negatively about hers, or others. We are miracles…
  • No Talk of Diets or Weight Control~ We instead choose conversations regarding our physical activities, being healthy and strong.
  • No Fixation on Tv or Unrealistic Images~
    We are bombarded daily with images of how girls and women should be. Having a conversation regarding the unrealistic and often edited pictures is something I have been very open with to the Munchkin.
  • No Rush~ We enjoy our family dinner together. It’s a time to put away distractions and focus on sharing our day.
  • No Cleaning Your Plate~ I respect when she is full. I do not make her finish her plate or eat when she is not hungry. I want her to honour her hunger cues and be aware of what her body is telling her.
  • No Ungratefulness~ Giving Thanks for our food and standing in gratitude for our health and wellness is another very important component to our dinners. It’s not about religion or a certain faith but acknowledging our blessings and learning to be thankful.
  • No Expectations~ We make our dinners together. She does not expect that because I am her Mother she does not help in the process. Setting the table, making the food and cleaning up after are all part of our dinnertime. Creating new and fun recipes together is a wonderful opportunity to educate and create understanding about the food groups and their purpose.

Raising a child to have a healthy relationship with food and their body can be influenced by many factors. Culture, genetics, media, peer pressure and of course how the primary care givers deal with their own health and wellness.

Parents/Guardians are important role models and guides in raising a child to have a healthy relationship with their food and body.

My promise to my daughter is that I will continue to do my best to ensure that she is given those tools to support her own journey to Self Love, Health and Wellness.

Aeryon Ashlie


About the Author

Aeryon Ashlie

Holistic Health and Wellness


Aeryon Ashlie is an Author, Speaker, Holistic Nutritional Coach, Certified ED Recovery Coach, Former Fitness Competitor and Trainer.   After experiencing severe weight fluctuations for...

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