Living Well – My life being Cancer free

July 7, 2017

Living Well – My life being Cancer free

“It’s cancer”

Hearing those words sent my whole world into a tail spin. It was the most frightening thing I had ever had to face.  I had Breast Cancer… The following weeks were an emotional roller coaster.  I was bombarded with information and advice! Although it wasn’t easy,  I decided to have the mastectomy, believing I could live without that part of me if it gave me a better chance of survival. I have never regretted that decision.

However, early on I decided I was going to try and avoid Chemotherapy.  It was what scared me the most!  Something inside me truly believed that it would kill me. My belief in that made me dive head first into researching alternative and natural treatments.

I was willing to change absolutely everything in my life and devote myself 100% to being as healthy as I possibly could, mind, body and spirit. I was determined to live a long life, cancer free. I was already a pretty healthy active person and never really thought of my diet and lifestyle as being unhealthy.  Seemed pretty much the norm, except for those pesky 5-10 pounds I couldn’t seem to lose.

One of the first articles I read that hit home was one about Dr. Otto Warburg. A Nobel Prize winner, he discovered that low oxygen was a characteristic of cancer cells. This low oxygen is caused by the “replacement of the respiration of oxygen in cells by the fermentation of sugar.”  He also discovered that as the cancer grows the bodies PH becomes increasingly acidic. This led me to a more alkaline diet. I removed sugar, dairy, red meat, and all processed foods from my diet.

I began to eat a mostly raw, plant based diet with nuts, seeds and beans as my main sources of protein, tons of raw vegetables, some fruits, and healthy whole grains in moderation. The difference in my physical condition was instantaneous and astounding!  I felt so much energy and vitality it was incredible! Not only did I lose weight, I lost more than I thought I needed to and it has stayed off 4 years later. Even my Doctor has stated that all my physical results are like that of a healthy 29 year old, and I was 50 at the time!

This is but one part of my Cancer free lifestyle. I also began to exercise more consistently.  I began to jog along with my daily walks, I have learned yoga, and do my elliptical a few days a week.  New studies quoted by the National Cancer institute, have shown that even moderate exercise can reduce the risk of recurrence for breast cancer by 40-50%.

The other part of my anti-cancer lifestyle is the one I struggle the most with. Stress reduction, and emotional freedom. Both of which have the ability to reduce inflammation and allow the natural healing processes of the body to occur. I have found that meditation and journaling seem to help me the most. When things get too stressful I will have a Reiki session or go for acupuncture treatments. I spend as much time surrounded by nature as I possibly can….it is what calms my spirit the most.  Above all I try to live free of fear. Hope, faith and love for life are what gave me the strength to make all the drastic changes I needed to.

I took charge of my health, my treatment and my life. That is what has made it a success.  As my personal care nurse told me before my surgery….”We find that those who take control of their treatment plan seem to do the best.  You have to believe it will heal you.”

I believed…..Now I’m living well, Cancer Free….

About the Author

Geraldine Nasby

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Food as Medicine Integrative Preventative Care Plant based nutrition


I am proud to have completed the Advanced Program for Holistic Nutritionist with Nutraphoria, and now hold the designation of “Licensed Holistic Nutrition Practitioner” through the Canadian...

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