Magnificent Magnesium

August 1, 2017

Magnificent Magnesium

Could we be underestimating how great this mineral is? Yes, we have read how many protocols include magnesium, however, I’ve discovered even more exciting information!  With new studies always emerging, learning is an ongoing endeavor.

Magnesium is utilized by 700-800 enzyme systems that perform vital metabolic functions in the body.  It has been proven to treat acid reflux, adrenal fatigue, angina, anxiety, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, constipation, depression, type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, headaches, heart attacks, IBS, insomnia, kidney stones, migraines, muscle spasms, nerve twitches, osteoporosis, PMS, seizures and more.

Have you heard of doctors telling people to take magnesium for these conditions? Probably not. Nutrient therapy is not taught in medical school. Magnesium is natural, therefore not patentable, and not (cannot be) prescribed. Doctors must stay to their guidelines of prescriptions and the pharmaceutical companies compensate them with kick-backs. However, to stay on task, we won’t go into the politics of financial gain.

Magnesium deficiency is reported to be in present in 70-80% of the population.

With other minerals ‘partnering up’ with Magnesium, we now have available to us a pico-ionic form. These minerals are not chelates or colloids. There’s a process in which the minerals are broken down into a soluble form that is the same size as the minerals absorbed through plant rootlets and the same size as cell mineral ion channels.  What this means, is direct absorption into our cells actually bypasses the gut. With a leaky gut condition, this will not affect the absorption of nutrients.

In using picometer-sized minerals, they are 100% absorbed into cells and improve cell function immediately.  Furthermore, understanding the pico-ionic form takes it a step further because with the ionic charge, the minerals are ‘magnetically’ attracted to the cell ion channels and the picometer size means they just slide in without impedance.

Other forms of magnesium have a known laxative effect. Not a pico-ionic form. Now, interestingly enough, people who suffer from IBS-diarrhea, Crohn’s and colitis will not experience the laxative effect with a pico-ionic form of magnesium.

It gets better: pico-ionic can be used transdermally.  Spray it on the inside of your arm, or side (areas with no hair), and allow to absorb. The more you need Mg, the quicker it absorbs.  8 sprays is approximately 1 ml; there’s is 5 ml in a tsp. The best test is a Magnesium RBC (red blood cell), unfortunately only available in the U.S.,  and should be 6.0-6.5 mg/dL on a range of 4.2 – 6.8 mg/dL

A body is as healthy as its cells.

Understanding the different forms of Mg helps to understand the absorbancy levels.  For example, Magnesium Oxide is the cheapest form of magnesium and only four percent absorbed. The balance goes right through the intestines, making it a fairly powerful laxative. It is used in bowel-cleansing products for its purging effect.  Caution is needed, as flushing in this way can pull out the very magnesium you are taking and perhaps other beneficial nutrients as your small intestines don’t have enough time to absorb those nutrients!  Flushing stool contents through the large intestine can also remove beneficial bacteria. One might end up back to ‘square one’ to replenish the healthy bacteria through pre and probiotics.

That leads us into another topic, for another time.

Take care of your body, it’s the only one you have.

About the Author

Lorraine Andres

Holistic Health and Wellness


Come visit us in Kelowna, B.C. TTrue Health Canada is owned and operated by Certified Nutritional Microscopy Practitioner, Lorraine Andres RHNP, in partnership with her husband, Richard. ...

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