Is there a Mineral your body needs?

December 26, 2016

Everyone gets all worked up about the Vitamins that they have to have but Minerals are essential in your daily diet too.

I want to talk about one mineral right now that I find has many benefits and yet many people are deficient in it:


Magnesium is a very important macro-mineral that there is only a few ounces of in the body. (.05% of body weight). Magnesium takes part in several hundred enzymatic reactions, many of these have to do with production of energy and cardiovascular function.

Of the enzymes that are activated, it helps some very important ones that metabolize protein and carbohydrates. It is also needed for DNA production and function. BUT!! It is also considered the “anti-stress” mineral. Who doesn’t want less stress? It is great for the skeletal muscles helping them relax, as well as the blood vessels and GI tract. On top of this influence on the heart, it can help prevent coronary artery spasms.

With all the those benefits, Magnesium can also help balance blood sugar, optimize circulation and blood pressure, reduce pain and calm the nervous system. Last but not least it can have a huge impact on your sleep, helping with chronic insomnia.

The problem is people are not getting enough into their bodies now a days. Either soil levels are depleted and food is not providing enough or they have an imbalance of other minerals in their bodies that don’t allow proper absorption.

Food options that can help with magnesium levels:

  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds –almonds, pecans, cashews, brazil
  • Soy products; especially flour & tofu
  • Whole grains – (especially the bran and germ) millet, brown rice
  • Fruits, Avocado and dried apricots

With all that, only 40%-50% of the magnesium consumed is actually absorbed.

Caffeine, alcohol, sugar, drinking soft water, these factors all add to the decrease of magnesium in the body. So the solution most come up with is take more supplements but taking these supplements can cause you to use the washroom very frequently. Magnesium pulls more water to the bowel which can lead to more than expected bathroom breaks. With that being said make sure you choose a high-quality supplement in small amounts.

Therefore the one way I supplement with Magnesium is topically. Spray it directly on the sore muscles and rub, a little shot on the chest to relax the heart. It is easily absorbed and keeps the skin hydrated and flexible. It has been shown to break apart different fats and oils therefore helping with skin oiliness. It also helps improve stress-induced skin disorders like rosacea and acne.

Topical spray is effectively absorbed bypassing the digestive tract and going straight into the bloodstream and delivered to the cells that need it. This has been added to my bedtime routine and has become one of my favorite.  Consider giving it a try, it is nice you don’t have to take this mineral in supplement form.

About the Author

Holistic Nutrition


I am a mother of two who has found a desire to want to be healthier and stronger. I never was physically active growing up....

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