Oh My Oat!

April 29, 2017

The Benefits Of Oats!

I love oatmeal, but it hasn’t always been like this. Over time my palate has changed and has led me to discover the taste for some food that before I couldn’t see and now I can’t imagine living without them, this is the case of oats.

Every day I use oats in different preparations, almost always at breakfast or for a snack, I cook pancakes, cookies, milk, granola, as an addition in the smoothies or simply as a collation in water with a little vanilla, cinnamon and a couple of fruits.

Since I started eating oatmeal I have more energy, my sports performance has been elevated, cravings were gone, my digestion is better and my skin looks clearer. So, today I want to share 10 healthy tips of how to add oats into your diet if you haven’t already done so!

Let’s start!

  • Oats is the cereal with the highest concentration of vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, some of Group B, Folate and Choline), Minerals (Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese and Selenium).
  • The family of antioxidants avenathramides are only found in oats. These can reduce arterial inflammation and regulate blood pressure.
  • Oats do not contain gluten, however, when processed it’s possible to have contact with traces of wheat, so it is important if you are sensitive to gluten, check that the label says “gluten free” or “pure.”
  • Oats is a very good source of protein, it contains 6 of the 8 essential amino acids. You can combine it with chia seeds and some fruits in a delicious porridge to make it even more complete.
  • Contains a powerful soluble fiber called beta glucan which is responsible for reducing “bad” cholesterol, balance blood sugar levels, improve your immune system and make you feel satisfied for longer, among functions! Can you believe it?
  • Take oats if you want to build muscle, you can include it in your breakfast, as a pre-training to charge your energy before training and post-training to replenish the glycogen you have spent during your training.
  • It is very versatile to cook, we can eat it raw, toast, flour, bran, desserts, breads, juices, or as an ingredient in hamburgers, soups and salads. Besides you can also eat at any time of the day.
  • Oats have the ability to regulate the PH of your skin, can help you treat acne, eczema and hives, occasionally make a mask to moisturize and soften it, like a baby’s skin.
  • When consuming oats you will have a more agile mind and it will help improve your memory, because it helps to strengthen the neurological functions.
  • And lastly, it’s one of the healthiest foods you can eat!

Consume oats frequently and you will notice a change in your body and your health! It’s marvelous, Oh my god! oat!

About the Author

Ana María Sáenz

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Health and Wellness Coach Holistic Health Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Vegan


Hi! My name is Ana María Sáenz. I’m mother of two beautiful girls and a passionate about nutrition and meditation its relationship with health and...

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