Planter Wart… Be Gone!

September 20, 2018

Planter Wart… Be Gone!

What exactly are plantar warts? These pesky growths usually appear on the bottom of your heels or feet. Through cuts, or tiny breaks in the skin and other weak points on your feet, the HPV virus enters the body and causes the warts to form.  Although most of the time they are not overly worrisome, they can in fact be quite bothersome and somewhat painful.

Anyone can develop plantar warts, but usually this type of wart is more likely to affect children and teens, those with weak immune systems and individuals who roam barefoot often. Since the virus loves warm, damp environments, anyone who swims should always wear footwear on pool decks and in locker rooms for prevention.

If you live with diabetes, you are probably aware that your feet become pretty sacred. They must be well taken care of, kept clean and carefully groomed. Even topical lotions and ointments need to be considered with care.  Most ointments to rid warts, will kill the skin allowing you to take the wart off in layers over a period of time.  However, in doing so, you run the risk of opening a wound, breaking the skin, or exposing open flesh, allowing bacteria to settle in which can cause infection.  In this case, a whole host of additional health problems can arise for someone living with diabetes.  Ugghhhhh, ok then, so now what?!?

Well…I am here to share with you my secret little concoction I use with my children. Are you ready for this??? It’s super simple, and very cost effective. Any ideas???

Ok, here goes……Wait for it……………wait for it……… ready for this?!?……..CASTOR OIL and BAKING SODA!! Say What??!!  Yep!!  I know, it sounds almost too good to be true right?!! That’s what I thought too!!  We mixed the two into a paste, rubbed it on the wart EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. so that it was completely coated; put a band-aid over it and went to bed, (we really didn’t worry about the band-aid falling off the next day, if it stayed on it was bonus).  After 3 weeks, it had completely cleared up to the point where there was no evidence of any type of flaw on the foot.  Depending on the sizes, shape and depth of the wart, the treatment time may vary.  Remember, consistency is key!! It wont disappear overnight.  Repeat, repeat, repeat!!

Good luck!! I hope you have as much success as we did with this easy little mixture. After all, the only thing you have to loose is about $4 and an ugly old wart!!

Planter Nutraphoria

***Disclaimer*** The content on this page is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you suspect you may need medical treatment, please contact and consult a physician***

About the Author

Helen Paquette

Currently enrolled in CHNC program none yet


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