Post Surgery Detoxification

May 11, 2018

Post Surgery Detoxification

For several years I have been through countless hours of physio/chiro/acupuncture, doctors visits and various other treatments/scans for my back issues. I was convinced by everyone that it was just muscle tension, stress and anxiety. This made sense to me as I was a high achiever at school and played high level sports. One day in December, 2017, I walked into emergency at the local hospital demanding to get tests until I had answers because I was unable to do any day to day tasks anymore due to the extreme pain a discomfort I felt.

The doctor understood my frustration and dug deep enough to discover a tumour on my spine that needed to be removed. The surgery took 7 hours and my surgeon was surprised to find out that the tumour he removed was actually a very rare form chondrosarcoma (cancer of the bone) that I had been living with for longer than 5 years. Post surgery I went through more medications, steroids, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics and narcotic pain killers then I can remember and over the past couple months my body has been through more toxicity then anyone should have to experience. I’m happy to say that my neurosurgeon did an amazing job and confirmed that he removed all visible tumour from my spine. The cancer I had is so rare, there are uncertainties about what it is, how It works, and how to treat it.. therefore I still have to get regular scans and tests to keep an eye on everything.

I have always struggled with digestive issues and continually been to a naturopath to find answers towards resolving these problems. My health has been a learning curve and is now more important to me than ever before. My past experiences are actually what inspired me to study Holistic Nutrition!

Where am I going with this? –> WELL.. because of what my body has been through in the last couple of months, reading about detoxification and cleansing programs really caught my attention and gave me hope that I can clear out some of the bad. With that being said, I wanted to share briefly below about what a detox/cleanse is and how it can be beneficial.

Toxins are any substance that irritates or stresses your body and causes harmful effects by damaging tissues and organs.

Many diseases, aches and pains, allergy and sensitivity symptoms come from congestion in the body. Congestion can be caused by increased toxicity which is effected by poor digestion, a decreased liver function and poor elimination through the kidneys.

A normal functioning body can handle a certain level of toxins by neutralizing them, transforming them, and eliminating them through various body systems. When your body is not functioning normally and toxins begin to build up, it might be time to think about detoxification.

Taking breaks from certain things is one of the best ways to understand how your body is effected by it and cleansing Is one of the best ways to rest and heal digestive organs, re-set, re-evaluate, make changes and clear bad habits. Allergies can be alleviated, many people benefit from a better sleep, and feel more productive and creative due to increased energy levels. These are only some of the list of benefits from detoxification. In my case, I have hope that a detox/cleanse can help re-set my digestive system and rid the excess toxins from the drugs and medical tests that I’ve had over the last couple of months. Hope that I can boost my immune system and increase my resistance to disease.


Your liver is the most important organ involved in detoxification and water is the most important in aiding detoxification.


A detox or cleanse should only be used as part of the post surgery healing process about 2-3 months after surgery as your body needs high amount of nutrients and energy to recover from major trauma. With a detox there is always a risk of malnourishment if not done correctly.


There are many different detoxification and cleansing programs to try and deciding which one to try and when is dependent on each individual persons lifestyle and needs. It doesn’t have to drastic to be a cleanse either.


The two best times to cleanse are Spring and Autumn for 1-2 weeks, but it’s possible to cleanse once a week, or for 3 days once a month, or whenever you feel your body needs it. There is such a thing as over-detoxifying as well, so it is important to be careful.

Here is my plan for a mild detox

  • Increase water and fibre intake (add psyllium seed husk to diet for cleansing of the colon)
  • Decrease fats, refined flours, and sugars
  • Keep up regular exercise to eliminate toxins by sweating through the skin
  • Increase vitamin A, C, and zinc to speed up healing time
  • Eat many fruits and veggies (particularly green vegetables)
  • Probiotics in the morning
  • Milk Thistle 3 times a day to aid liver detoxification

So because its Spring.. maybe it’s time to consider some kind of cleanse to transition into the summer and feel lighter, brighter, and more vitalized!


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About the Author

Ellen Hall

Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness

North Vancouver

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