Why Preparing Food At Home Is Important For Our Health

June 24, 2017

We’ve become a society that is constantly on the go, running from one thing to the next, hustling and bustling along. Our eating habits have changed to meet the busy demands of life. We now eat out more than ever, grab-and-go our meals, stop at fast-food spots and depend on take-out for times when we do want to eat at home but don’t want to cook. Unfortunately, this convenience comes at a price.

These types of meals are often full of sugar, carbs, bad fat, lack nutrients and will knock the socks off you once you read the calorie and sodium count. Our busy lifestyle is making us more unhealthy, obese, run-down, and raising our chances of diseases and other health issues.

How do we combat these eating habits while trying to keep up with our busy lifestyle?

Why Preparing Food At Home Is Important For Our Health


Wanting to be healthier, live longer, have more energy, reduce the risk of diseases, be a clearer thinker and be able to run optimally is a conscious effort. We all want those things but not all of us want it bad enough that we’re willing to make changes.

Cost Savings 

Making homemade meals is critical to our own health but is also beneficial for our wallets. Many people argue that it is cheaper to grab a burger at McDonald’s than buying and preparing food at home. I find this argument to be inaccurate for two reasons: Yes, buying one cheap meal at McDonald’s for around $6-8 sounds fairly reasonable BUT if all you do is eat out and end up buying 3 meals a day, it becomes quite expensive. If you’re spending $20 or more a day on buying food, then you have fallen victim to the scam that “eating out for one is cheaper than eating at home.” My meals for one day do not cost $20. How do I know this? Because I certainly do not spend $140 (7 days a week x $20/day) a week on groceries for just myself….if anything, I spend half of that.

Secondly, even if you somehow calculate eating out to be cheaper dollar wise, your health comes at a cost and you will certainly end up paying more now and later in life for it. People who eat out a lot often say “but I feel fine.” You think you feel fine because you have nothing to compare it to. You become so used to feeling a certain way that it becomes your norm and only when you have the chance to feel even better do you realize that your previous “norm” was actually terrible.

Our bodies have the capability to run optimally every.single.day. This means being energetic, waking up fairly easy without being groggy, going all day with minimal “sleepy” moments, sleeping soundly, having clear and vibrant skin, regular bowel movements, clear mind, being able to concentrate and so much more. Wouldn’t it be great to feel great the majority of the time so we can focus, laugh, be aware, live in the moment and love life that much more?


So you want to commit to eating healthier and understand the benefits of doing so, but what now? Well, now comes the work. Thankfully, preparing food at home can fit into your schedule…whether that means making time to cook every day, every few days or twice a week – it’s up to you. The best way to go about it is to plan. Look at the week ahead of you and plan how much time you can spend cooking and preparing food. From there, plan your meals. Once you know how often you can cook and what you want to cook, you can easily pick-up those items from the store.

You need to come up with a plan that works with your schedule, eating habits, lifestyle and overall needs. For myself, I cook twice a week and prepare food for 3-4 days each time. I cook lunch and dinner and portion those right into containers once I am done. Each night before bed I prepare my smoothie (throw all the ingredients into the blender and then put it into the fridge) and pack any snacks I need for the next day (yogurt, salads etc). This is a huge time saver in the morning as I make the rest of my breakfast and then am able to grab my lunch and go.

As another precaution, I don’t even bring my money to work with me. This forces me to eat the food I have brought and also limits my access to the many fast food and snack options that tempt me throughout the day. I know that my self-control around food is fairly low so in order to prepare for success, I try to limit my exposure to unhealthy food.

By not taking money with me to work, I am forced to differentiate between being truly hungry and wanting something to eat because of a craving, boredom etc. We often eat due to other reasons aside from hunger so when we’re forced not to eat, it helps us tune into our body and mind and determine those cravings or triggers.

Cheat Meals/Snacks

My favourite thing to hear from people when I am eating something unhealthy is “but I thought you were a health nut” or “are you sure you should be eating that?” Being healthy isn’t about being so regimented that you never eat unhealthy food or never miss a workout. It’s about living a lifestyle that consists of mostly healthy options with the freedom to deviate when you feel like it. It’s about being in control of your body, food choices, life. It’s about still enjoying life and the yummy treats but in moderation.

Aim to plan your cheat meals and snacks so you are in control instead of the food being in control. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating out, having junk food or other indulgences when done in moderation and when planned.


Life is super busy and it seems like the older we turn, the busier life gets. It may seem easier to grab a coffee and donut or a sandwich at the espresso bar for lunch, but the health consequences of doing so are not worth the convenience. Our busy life demands so much of us and in order to be able to thrive in this environment, we must treat our bodies with love, care, and nutrient rich food. Cooking and preparing our meals at home in advance of the day is one of the best ways to prepare for success. It’s as simple as that.

About the Author

Jessica Hessels

Holistic Nutrition Coach


I totally understand what it’s like spending endless amounts of time trying to figure out if what I am eating is nutritious or not. I...

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