Raw Vegan Caramel Sauce

November 16, 2017

Raw Vegan Caramel Sauce

Do you have a sweet tooth or a savoury tooth? You may have noticed by now if you watch my recipe videos and blogs but I definitely have a sweet tooth.

I have created so many sweet alternatives so I can enjoy the treats while staying healthy.

Of course, it’s all in moderation. Just because the ingredients are healthy, doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want! That’s a no.1 rule in my kitchen.

I watch what I eat and how much I eat. Also I exercise a lot to stay healthy:)

This recipe is very sweet so it’s perfect for post workout snack. You won’t believe that there’s no sugar added. Sugar comes from dates. Dates are nutridense fruit and very sweet.

When I make raw vegan sweets, they are often the main ingredient.

Also, I used vegan butter for sake of the vegan recipe but PLEASE be aware the ingredients when using vegan butter.

I had hard time finding a vegan butter that has fairly healthy ingredients in it.

Many companies use unhealthy oils as main ingredient. I was shocked when I saw the label.

If you are not vegan, you might as well use a regular butter that’s ingredient is only “cream”.

I was able to find a vegan butter that uses healthy oils such as coconut oil mostly so I decided to buy it.

Again, it’s all about ingredients. If you are interested in vegan food because they are fairly healthy since there are no animal sources in them, please don’t be fooled by manufacturers that try to get your attention by labeling “vegan”.

Sometimes you might as well go for original ingredients depending on the amount that you want to use in your food.

I wanted to share this with you since it was a good realization for me:)

I like to make vegan foods because they are often based on whole foods but again, I am all about balance when it comes to….. Life in general!

Please share your thoughts on your healthy life style:)

And please don’t forget to try the caramel sauce, it’s super easy and tastes like just a real caramel except there is no bunch of artificial sugar!


  • 2 cup Dates
  • 1/3 Coconut Milk
  • 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar  
  • 1/2 tbsp Sea Salt
  •  3 tbsp Vegan Butter

How To

  • Put all the ingredients in a blender. Mix them very well until smooth.

 Bon Appétit!

About the Author

Kaori Cheslock

Consulting Fitness Nutrition General Nutrition and Meal Plans Health and Sport Nutrition Holistic and Sports Nutrition Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutritionist Nutrition and Health Coach Nutrition Coach Sport Nutrition Weight Loss


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