Slow Cooker Apple Sauce (No Sugar Added)

May 16, 2019

We have all heard our grandmothers tell us “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” in an attempt to get us to eat more fruit. But these days, are we really getting what’s good for us out of the apple or are the health benefits crippled by the overwhelming burden of toxic chemicals that orchards owners spray on their crops?

If you follow the EWG’s guide to pesticides on produce you will find apples on their annual “Dirty Dozens” list ( every time. That’s because in North America there are up to 47 pesticide residues found on apples which include known or probable carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals), hormone disruptors, neurotoxins (toxins that affect the brain and nervous system), developmental and reproductive toxins, and bee toxins.

You may think that because apples aren’t injected with anything that the pesticides that are sprayed on them just sit on top of the skins and can be washed or rubbed off. Ever took a corner of your t-shirt and rubbed an apple against it? However, some pesticides have been specifically designed to soak into the skin off the apples to prevent pests from affecting them. Because of this, it’s important to make special considerations when buying and/or consuming apples so you can reap all the wonderful benefits they have to offer.

To avoid consuming toxic pesticides you can take these precautions:

  • Vote with your money and buy organic. This is the best way to get all the beneficial nutrients out of an apple while avoiding the pesticides. It also tells producers that you’re willing to pay a little bit extra for a healthier choice. Slowly but surely, every vote can change what the produce market looks like in the future.
  • If you can’t afford organic apples? That’s ok! Instead, I recommend soaking them in a solution of water and baking soda bath for 15 minutes to remove waxes, pesticides and bacteria. One teaspoon of baking soda for every two cups of water is sufficient.
  • Don’t have 15 minutes? Take two minutes instead and peel your apples. You won’t obtain as many nutrients or fibre as with the skin on but it’s better than consuming all the unwanted nasties.

Apple lovers rejoice! I have a super easy, delicious and nutritious apple sauce recipe with no added sugar. You can throw everything together in the morning, leave for work and come home to the smells of warm apples and spice filling the house.

Apple sauce is a great, natural source of fibre and vitamin C and the flavonoids in their skin can reduce inflammation, regulate blood pressure, reduce excess fat production in liver cells and lower your risk of heart disease. You can read more about how apple sauce can be beneficial for your health here:

Slow Cooker Apple Sauce (No Sugar Added) 

Things You’ll Need

  • Crockpot (Slow Cooker)
  • Cutting Board
  • Knife or Apple Slicer
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Immersion Blender


  • 6lbs of apples
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 lemon


  • Chop apples into wedges leaving the skins on.
  • Place in the slow cooker and sprinkle the cinnamon on top.
  • Mix apples until evenly coated in cinnamon.
  • Add water to slow cooker.
  • Place lid on and leave for 6 hours or until apples are soft.
  •  Add the juice from one small-medium lemon.
  • Blend using a hand-held immersion blender until skins have been incorporated and you reach your desired consistency.

If you know how to can/preserve apple sauce you can do so while it is still hot. Personally, I don’t know how to, so I freeze mine. You can keep this apple sauce in the fridge for 1 week and in the freezer for up to 6 months.


Add ½ cup of raw strawberries at the end for added vitamin C and to give your apple sauce a rosy hue. Blueberries work well if you’re going for purple and they provide extra antioxidant. Or maybe you want to try a berry blend. The options are endless!


Should I Wash Fresh Fruit in Vinegar? (2018, September 26). Retrieved from

Roberts, C. (n.d.). An Easy Way to Remove Pesticides. Retrieved from

Rabin, R. C. (2017, November 10). Do Pesticides Get Into the Flesh of Fruits and Vegetables? Retrieved from

Network, P. A. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Is Applesauce Healthy? / Nutrition / Healthy Eating. (n.d.). Retrieved from

About the Author

Mariah Preis

Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition


Mariah Preis – Future Holistic Nutritionist Mom, Wife, Student

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