October 3, 2017
Spend some time today putting love into some “snack” fuel. our time these days seems to be more valuable than ever before, always eating on the go and finding the quickest sources of food to give us energy so we can keep going for longer.
Finding time to enjoy a proper meal is super important but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. Setting ourselves up with sustainable, nutritious, energy-providing foods will help us kick ass with whatever we are busy with. taking a few moments out of our week to create balanced “snack” fuel so we can reach for our healthy alternatives will lead a path of success. my personal favourite is SPIRULINA + COCONUT & CAROB + PUMPKIN SEED ENERGY BALLS because of how versatile, nutritious and compact they are.
Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of essential fatty acids and tryptophan, which our body converts to serotonin. Adding a few of these seeds into our daily schedule can lift our spirits, provide lasting energy, reduce anxiety and give us a solid rest at night.
Spirulina has a high natural iron and protein content, which makes it great for any diet, especially if you’re mainly plant based. It is known to increase fat burning during exercise and increase endurance. Sneak some Spirulina AKA “the most nutrient dense food on the planet” into shakes, bars, granola and your body will thank you!