Spring Intentions

March 27, 2018

Spring Intentions

Spring is right around the corner (even if like me, you’ve just been hit with 9 inches of snow!)… Spring really is on it’s way I promise!  For a moment I want to briefly talk about New Year’s resolutions.  I find these declarations to be typically predictable, impersonal and if you’re anything like me, they create a sense of being overwhelmed with expectations. Not to mention the fact you have the pressure to share with everyone you know (and many you don’t) a unique and inspired resolution you’re striving for.  No wonder only 8% of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions every year.

So let’s talk about Spring Intentions!  Spring is the perfect time to re-evaluate ourselves, our physical being as well as our spiritual health.  Just as nature is waking up, so should we.  The lovely weather and beaming sunshine eagerly invites us to step outside, breathe deep and exercise.  A simple walk, bike ride or run outdoors quickly connects us to nature.

Our diets can be enlivened as the fresh produce starts making an appearance.  Salads, spring veggies and lighter meals are a natural transition for us during this time.  This is also the perfect time to re-evaluate our diets and begin a detox program.  Taking a cue from nature and invite Spring to revitalize us in the upcoming months can be inspiring!

Awakening our spiritual self is as easy as setting an intention.  An intention can be a thought, a word or even a phrase that you can tap into anytime as a gentle reminder of who or what you want to create.  Maybe a word such as renew, clarity, or love is exactly what your soul needs as this time. Take this season to awaken and refresh your mind, body and spirit.

About the Author

Jenny McColm

Plant based nutrition


My name is Jenny McColm and I am passionate about yoga, running and delicious plant based foods!  I believe food can heal our bodies as...

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