How to Start a Meditation Practice

July 7, 2017

The most difficult part of starting a meditation practice is actually starting it. We hear that it is good for us and our health and yet so many of us struggle with setting a regular time aside to do it. Life is too busy and taking time for ourselves and self care is often not a priority.

How to Start a Meditation Practice

Meditation can help 

  • Reduce stress
  • Increase self awareness
  • Increase happiness
  • Enhance physical and emotional well being
  • Boost immune health
  • Benefit our cardiovascular system
  • Reach a deep state of relaxation
  • Reduce negative feelings
  • Our ability to focus
  • Increase feeling of patience and tolerance

When Should I Start?

First thing in the morning is the ideal time to do it. This is because our mind is much quieter upon waking than later in the day. If that doesn’t work with your schedule then just pick a time that does. You want to pick one that you can commit to.

You don’t have to start by doing an hour every day or even 30 minutes. You can start with just 5 minutes and build it up to more over time if you wish to. The thing about creating a habit is that you have to enjoy what you are doing and be able to commit to it in the beginning until it becomes part of your every day routine.

How to Meditate

  • Set your time for the meditation and then put an alarm on your phone/clock/watch. Pick a gentle chime or something similar in case you get deep in your meditation. You want to be pulled back gently. Alternatively you could use your stop watch and periodically check how long you have been in meditation. this can be a good way to start.
  • Find a comfortable seat. You can sit on a chair, the floor, a cushion or your bed.
  • Start your watch/phone or device.
  • Close your eyes or soften your gaze to the floor.
  • Breath calmly and deeply allowing your belly to relax and fill.
  • Try using a mantra. (A repetition of words) I like to use the words “Let go”. breathing in the word let and breathing out the word go.
  • Continue to follow your breath. If a thought comes into your mind, try to let it go. Often you will drift off on a thought as the mind likes to stay busy. Do not judge this as it is perfectly normal.
  • This is your time so if you just need to move, then move. If you need to process thoughts one day, then do that. if you fall asleep that is ok too. I do not believe that there is one way for us all to practice yoga or meditation so take each day as it comes.
  • When your alarms sounds. Turn it off and take a few more deep breathes before opening your eyes.
  • Thank yourself for taking time for you and your self care. Honor yourself and your time.

Now all you have to do is quit the excuses and try. Maybe even find a meditation buddy so that you can encourage each other.

(Lou teaches meditation in her yoga classes all over Canada)

About the Author

Lou Lynn

Childhood Nutrition, Post & Pre Natal Currently enrolled in CHNC program Family Nutrition Family Style Clean Eating on a Budget Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Nutrition Coach Nutrition for Families Plant based nutrition Vegan Womens Weight Loss and Wellness

Roberts Creek

Lou has been on a journey with health and wellness for over 20 years. She is an experienced yoga teacher and trainer offering classes from...

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