Stop wasting your juice pulp!

November 28, 2016

What do you do with your juice pulp?

I workout at the gym usually four mornings per week and really feel the need to refuel before I get on with my day. I used to make the traditional smoothie with spinach, frozen fruit and protein powder after a workout, but I found I was hungry about an hour later. I decided to try something new.

Since I am always looking for ways to get more vegetables and fiber into my diet, I thought I would try using the pulp from the juices I was making. Perfect since I hate throwing things away, I had a decent stockpile in my freezer just waiting to be used. I decided to try using kale, carrot and ginger pulp.

I juice these items first and put the pulp aside.

juicing pulp bowl nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition



Pulp Infused Workout Recovery Bowl

**The amounts noted below are approximate.

In a good size bowl place:

  • ½ cup kale and carrot pulp
  • ½ cup choice of berries or fruit
  • ¼ cup coconut milk or water
  • 1 Tablespoon ground flax seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon chia seeds
  • 2 teaspoons green powder (eg. spirulina, chlorella, barley or wheatgrass)
  • 1 teaspoon maca or raw cacoa powder/nibs
  • 1 serving of stevia sweetened protein powder (I am currently using a vegan protein powder)
  • Cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves
  • Squeeze of lemon juice or grated organic lemon rind
  • Try adding avocado, coconut, coconut manna, banana slices, fresh mint leaves, hemp seeds, coconut, sesame, sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

Allow time for the seeds to absorb the coconut liquid. Sprinkle on the remaining ingredients, adding whatever options you like.

This recovery bowl offers fiber, vitamins C and A, omega 3, protein and healthy fats. It fills you up, and balances your blood sugar. Perfect for recovery after a workout.

Note: This can be a little too “earthy” for some so feel free to vary the amounts to taste; however, I find the protein powder helps make it more palatable.

I also like to use juice pulp in homemade crackers, soup or soup stock. It is also great for the compost.

Health and Happiness,





About the Author

Lisa Henderson

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