Strengthen Your Bones With Magnesium!

March 6, 2018

Strengthen Your Bones With Magnesium!

Every other woman in Sweden is affected by osteoporosis. A widespread view is that the reason is we get too little calcium. But the truth is, we’re getting too little magnesium!

Magnesium is much more important for us to feel good. In the USA, the mineral has long been designated as a health bomb because it reduces osteoporosis, diabetes, restless legs, constipation and cardiovascular disease. In addition, magnesium is believed to increase the mood and counteract depression, sleep disorders, anxiety and migraines.

According to new studies, it has been found that 30 percent of the population in Sweden and other parts of the western world suffer from a shortage of magnesium. In recent years, there has been a lot of focus on eating Vitamin D, but magnesium is at least as important, if not more important, especially when it comes to building up the bones and preventing osteoporosis.

Many foods today are enriched with calcium, which in turn creates a lack of magnesium. When the calcium content in the body becomes too high, it is blocked and absorbed by magnesium. And when the dose of magnesium becomes too low, the substance can not be absorbed by the bone. This means that too much calcium can actually lead to osteoporosis because both minerals are needed to strengthen the bone. Without magnesium, the legs are bent in the body. Junk food, soda and alcohol also contribute to a lack of magnesium. Another reason is that our drinking water no longer contains as high levels of magnesium as before.

Magnesium is found in green vegetables, nuts, seeds and crustaceans. But it’s hard to get enough amount of food through the diet, so it’s good to take a dietary supplement.

Magnesium Nutraphoria

Take care of your bone health!

About the Author

Matilda Höglund

Currently enrolled in CHNC program


Hi, I’m Matilda 25 years old from Sweden. I just starded my first program here at Nutraphoria to become a health coach in nutrition. My...

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