March 6, 2018
The Adaptogen Blend
Do you need more energy? Are you going through a time of stress? Would you like to help your body recover after an intense workout? Have you been hoping for a good nights sleep? Are you trying to study for a big upcoming exam? If you said yes to any of these questions then I invite you to try this helpful blend I created of three unique herbs with adaptogenic qualities.
What are Adaptogenic Herbs?
Adaptogens are a special class of herbs which, helps our bodies deal with all kinds of stress. One example of how these herbs can do this is by providing support to the adrenal system. Our adrenal glands are in charge of releasing the right hormones as needed to bring our bodies back into a state of homeostasis. This balancing act is often over worked in the fast paced, stressful lives, commonly lived out in our modern society. Thankfully, we have been provided with a wide variety of medicinal herbs that aid our fatigued adrenal glands in adapting to whatever stressful situation is at hand whether physical, mental, or environmental.
Which Three Adaptogenic Herbs Are In My Blend?
There are many reliable adaptogens out there to choose from and I encourage you to research and experiment with as many of them as your heart desires. To get you started let me introduce you to three of my favourites; Ashwagandha, Rhodiola Rosea, and Maca.
Because of its long history of traditionally being used in India, Ashwagandha is sometimes referred to as the “ginseng of ayurvedic medicine.” As it becomes more widely used in North America its many benefits are being proven over time.
Here is some of what it has to offer:
- Provides support for both an under active thyroid or an over active thyroid
- High in antioxidants
- Slows down the aging process
- Immune boosting
- Cancer prevention and treatment
- Discourages insulin resistance
- Stress reducing by correcting cortisol levels
- Brain healing capabilities helping with learning, memory, concentration
- Symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia and alzheimer’s
- Hope for those struggling with infertility
- Relief from muscle and joint pain and inflammation related issues
- Increasing stamina, and motivation
Rhodiola Rosea
Historically, Rhodiola has been known as the herb used to help meet the physical demands of the Vikings. It grows readily in the arctic regions of Asia and Eastern Europe, as well as Northern parts of Canada.
Here are many of the health benefits that the Vikings and Canadians alike can boast of:
- Helps the body burn stored fat as its energy source
- Increases stamina and endurance causing better athletic performance while
- Decreasing muscle recovery time
- Reduces cortisol production which combats stress and slows down the aging process
- Fights fatigue
- Supports brain health by helping mood, focus, memory, etc. relieving conditions such as ADHD, ADD, and depression
Maca was first used in the rugged mountainous lands of Peru, giving strength to the Inca warriors. The usable part of the maca plant which, is part of the cruciferous family, is the root.
Here are some of the amazing qualities that give Maca “super food” status:
- Contains amino acids, vitamins, and minerals
- Supportive of mental health by helping with stress, mood, focus and memory
- Boosts energy
- Relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause by balancing estrogen levels
- Improves health of the prostate
- Has the potential to help with fertility issues in both men and women
- Decreases blood glucose levels
The Adaptogen Blend Recipe
- 2 Parts Ashwagandha powder
- 2 Parts Rhodiola Rosea powder
- 1 Part Maca Root powder
- Blend the three powders together until evenly mixed
- Add this healthy mixture to smoothies, keto coffee, or fat bomb recipes
- Since, I have a capsule machine I like to encapsulate them
- Each 700mg capsule holds 280 mg each of Ashwagandha and Rhodiola and 140mg of Maca
- With this ratio a good guideline for dosage is 2 capsules 1-2 times per day
Even research is proving many health benefits in these promising herbs please don’t think of this as some sort of “miracle blend.” However, if you have any of the health concerns they address then please include them as part of your healthy living plan. They are sure to enhance the efforts of a lifestyle that includes a nutritious whole foods diet, moderate exercise, and prayer.