The Ultimate Green Smoothie Guide

July 3, 2018

We all love a good smoothie, but so often we find ourselves hungry soon afterwards. This smoothie guide will help create a green drink (or a variety of drinks) that can be tailored to suit different preferences while keeping us full and satisfied.

Everyone knows greens are good for us, but sometimes there just isn’t enough time to fit them in. Getting them in first thing in the morning sets the day off to a great start and it’s one less thing to have to think about throughout the day.

All we need is a blender, and not even a fancy one at that. We’ll not only get all the nutrients out of these fruits and veggies, but the fiber too. Here we go!

The Ultimate Green Smoothie Guide


  • 1/2 Cup of oatmeal
  • Handful fresh spinach
  • Small handful of fresh parsley (could use cilantro or omit all together if not a fan of either)
  • One banana
  • Other fruit of choice: mango, papaya, banana, berries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1- 2 cups liquid of choice (can also combine): nut milk, water, orange juice, coconut water
  • Optional: add a spoonful of any favorite extras such as: maca, flax seeds, moringa, chia seeds, hemp hearts etc!


  • In a dry (this is the key) blender, blend the oatmeal until they become more of a powder
  • Add the other ingredients and blend

The best part about this is the spinach, parsley, oatmeal and banana go great with just about anything.

Those are the key ingredients, from there customize the quantities and variety until there’s something that just hits the spot.

My favourite is oatmeal, spinach, parsley (lots!), one banana, mango or papaya, and about 4 fresh squeezed oranges.

This is my go to after a morning yoga session or surf – it’s hydrating, refreshing and filling!

Green Smoothie Nutraphoria


About the Author

Leah Donatiello

Holistic Health and Wellness Plant based nutrition Vegan

North Vancouver

Health is so much more than numbers on a scale, side of a box, or on a tape measure. My goal is to help other...

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