Top 3 Ways to Stay Healthy and Energized at Work

February 5, 2018

Top 3 Ways to Stay Healthy and Energized at Work

According to a 2013 Government of Canada Health Status Report, a large majority of Canadians don’t get enough exercise –  just over 2 in 10 adults met the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines. Adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity per week in periods of at least 10 minutes long.

With our busy lifestyles, increased time at work as well as time spent commuting to and from the office, it can sometimes seem like a challenge to fit in regular exercise. Here are 3 easy tips for staying healthy and energized on the job:

Move Around

Whether or not you believe that sitting is the new smoking, there’s no denying that sitting for extended periods of time can wreak havoc on your body. Try to get up at least once per hour, even if it’s just to fill your water bottle, walk to your co-worker’s desk instead of emailing or messaging them. Take walks at lunchtime, find out if your employer has a company gym (some will even subsidize gym memberships), park as far away from the building as you can and of course, always take the stairs.

Add More Fruit & Veggies to Your Lunch Bag

This one is obvious, but many of us may be lacking in this department. The Canada Food guide recommends 7-10 servings of fruit and vegetables per day for adults (more vegetables would be ideal). Commit to bringing only healthy snacks to work for 1 full week (apples, oranges, bananas, raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, carrots, sweet bell peppers, etc.). You won’t be tempted to grab sugary, processed snacks if you don’t have them within reach, and before you know it, your cravings will diminish and you’ll avoid the dreaded 3pm slump.

Stay Hydrated 

Most people think they are drinking enough water each day, but many of us are not. Dehydration can cause headaches, lack of energy and even dizziness. It can also lead to chronic health problems, including diabetes, arthritis, back pain, kidney stones and more, so needless to say it is very important to keep well hydrated. Not sure how much water to drink during the day? On average, adults should consume at least 7 cups of water a day, not including water contained in our food, and no, coffee, tea, pop and sugary energy drinks don’t count!!

Don’t like the taste of plain water? Sparkling water is an excellent replacement for soda and doesn’t include the added sugar, food coloring or unhealthy additives. Try adding lemon, lime or orange slices to your water for flavor, and if you like a little more sweetness, you can add a drop of Stevia (zero-calorie plant-based sweetener which is 200 times sweeter than sugar).

Healthy Employees are Good for Business

Beside the obvious perks of eating well, exercising and refraining from sitting for long periods of time, there are many benefits to employers for encouraging the well-being of their employees. Studies have found that workers who spent 30-60 minutes at lunch exercising reported an average performance boost of 15 percent. Sixty percent of employees said their time management skills, mental performance and ability to meet deadlines improved on the days they exercised. Healthy, active employees take fewer sick days and bring more energy to the workplace. Incorporating just 2.5 hours of exercise per week into the workday led to a noticeable reduction in absences. So, staying healthy and energized on the job is what I would call a win-win situation!

About the Author

Pamela Long

Adult Health and Wellness Autoimmune Disease Food as Medicine Holistic Health Coach who specializes in helping women heal their bodies from the inside out Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Holistic Nutritionist Nutrition and Health Coach

Canada Vaughan

Hello, I’m Pamela, a former student who graduated from NutraPhoria in 2019 and now a Registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioner (RHNP). I am based in Toronto,...

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