My Top 5 Uses For Coconut Oil

September 28, 2017

My Top 5 Uses For Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil is high in natural saturated fat. Saturated fats increase HDL’S which promotes heart health. Saturated fats also lower LDL levels. May I suggest brushing a little on Brussel sprouts and bake them!
  • Coconut oil is amazing for moisturizing your skin. It helps to fade scars and wrinkles giving your skin a healthy glow without fear of getting pimples.
  • We also use coconut oil as a deep conditioner on my daughters hair. Works wonders at softening those dry ends.
  • I brush my teeth with coconut oil daily. Some like to oil pull. Coconut oil is a natural antifungal /antibacterial product. Brushing or pulling with it helps with stains, breath, and cavities.
  • I also only ever used coconut oil for diaper rash when my kids were in diapers. We still use it for most skin issues even sunburns.

Hope any of these tips help you!

About the Author

Kimberly Walker

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Red Deer County

Studying to help women through menopause

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