Top Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling

June 24, 2021

What is Oil Pulling? It involves swishing oil usually sesame, sunflower or coconut oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 mins. This must be done first thing in the morning before any water or food is consumed to get the best results. Once time is up the oil is disposed of in the garbage, not the sink as this can affect the plumbing if you are using coconut oil especially.

Where did it come from? Oil pulling originated from traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India.

Top Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling

Studies suggest that oil pulling is with coconut oil can help with oral health, pull out toxins from the body, help with hormone balancing, helps with clearing up skin and easing sinus pressure.  Because coconut oil is a saturated fat it contains Lauric acid, this acid is great for our oral health.

  • Oral health: The fatty acid compounds found in lauric acid make it a superstar for a healthy smile. The fatty acids break down plaque that causes gum inflammation and gingivitis. The coconut oil also breaks down and eliminates bacteria that can cause bad breath and cavities. Also, over time oil pulling combined with regular brushing can help whiten teeth by drawing stains out of teeth. Coconut oil is anti-microbial so this helps our mouth to maintain a healthier balance of good bacteria.
  • Toxins and hormones: Coconut oil pulling also draws toxins out of the body, this will help with balancing hormones, helps with getting a better night’s sleep. Bacteria in the sinus can be eased with oil pulling and relieve pressure built up. This also helps with skin becoming clearer, coconut oil is anti-inflammatory and helps with acne and skin issues.


Coconut oil is already so versatile and has so many uses, it is one of the healthiest foods because of the healthy fats. There are still many scientific studies that can be done on if oil pulling is really beneficial to our health or not. I myself practise oil pulling with coconut and I have noticed many improvements in my overall oral health, whiter teeth, clearer skin and an overall better feeling. There are many testimonials online on the benefits of oil pulling, so try it today and start to reap the benefits of this ancient practice.

About the Author

Amanda Small

Digestion, Hormonal Balance, Weight loss Health and Wellness Coach Hormone Balancing

Canada Didsbury

Hi I’m Amanda! I am still studying to become a certified Holistic Nutritionist. I am a Red Seal Pastry Chef by trade, and I am...

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