Understanding Detoxification

August 25, 2017

Understanding Detoxification

Our body acquire toxins from the environment. We eat, drink and get in contact with them repeatedly and regularly. Most drugs, food additives, and allergens can create toxins in the body. Almost any substance can have toxicity –water, sodium, and some nutrients can have a problem in certain circumstances. It is important to help the body to eliminate these toxins through detoxification.

Internally,  our body produces toxins through its normal everyday functions. Just as we eat-drink and excrete the waste (urine-deposition); biochemical, cellular, and bodily activities generate substancesthat need to be eliminated. Cells excrete waste -free radicals- which are biochemical toxins. When these substances, molecules and toxins are not eliminated, they can cause irritation or inflammation of the cells and tissues blocking normal function on a cellular, organ and whole body level.

Microbes of all kinds –intestinal bacteria, foreign bacteria, yeast and parasites- produce metabolic waste products, just like us, that our body must handle. Even our thoughts, emotions and stress generates increased biochemical toxicity.

When the body function normally, it is able to handle certain level of toxins. But is the great concern, when there is excess intake or production of toxins, or a reduction in the process of elimination.

What are toxins?

Toxin is any substance that creates irritation and/or harmful effect in the body damaging tissues and organs. Drugs, alcohol, overeating, many pesticides, chemicals, asbestos, mercury, thought patterns and negative emotions can have harmful effects on our bodies.

Example of toxicity:

Chemical toxins (food dyes to pesticides) are fat soluble and therefore not easy to excrete through sweat urine or breath. Because their fat solubility, they are deposited in the fat cells. To make possible the elimination, all of these fat soluble substances have to be made water soluble. This is when a cellular detoxification process is necessary to help the liver to clear and eliminate harmful toxins that may cause some long term negative effects on our health, like allergies, join pain, arthritis, immune weakness, cancer etc.

Image result for detox body systems

Detoxification is essential to our health. It helps to put in circulation and to eliminate unwanted deposited toxins in the body that can be harmful to our health and may cause degenerative diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, gallstones etc. In addition to the physical process, the mental detoxification which may include the emotional process of cleansing our minds of traumas and negative thought patterns for optimal detoxification results!

About the Author

Mireya Solano

Detoxification Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Weight Loss


I live in Ontario, Canada.  I am a wife and a mother of two wonderful girls, now 15 and 11. With the wonders of nutrition I have overcome ...

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