Vinegar, Much More Than Just Salad Dressing

December 10, 2020

I didn’t always have a passion for vinegar. Two years ago, I would never have imagined that my vinegar collection would one day overtake my alcohol cabinet. But here am I, scrolling through my new favourite online store, drooling over my next purchase!

To be specific, I’m talking about my new obsession: balsamic vinegar.

Let me explain. Balsamic vinegar used to be a condiment that I would use once in a while to drizzle on my salad without putting much thought into it. That is until I learned about all the amazing benefits that this wonderful liquid has to offer. After a quick online search, I discovered this amazing store near me that sells tens of different kinds of white and dark balsamic vinegar, straight from Italy. I went the next day, and the rest is history.

If you think vinegar is just for salad dressing, think again! Whether you like it spicy, sweet, tart or savoury, there’s vinegar for everyone. You can now purchase cherry, pomegranate, honey ginger, coconut, herbs, habanero, espresso and even chocolate balsamic vinegar! Drizzle it on your favourite dessert, mix it in your oatmeal or smoothies, add it to sauces and hummus, pour some in your sparkling water or even use it as a meat tenderizer or marinade. The options are endless, and the benefits are just as amazing as the taste. Vinegar contains various bioactive compounds like antioxidants, polyphenols and micronutrients, which provide antimicrobial, antioxidative and antidiabetic properties.

Not convinced yet? Here are 5 benefits of adding balsamic vinegar to your daily menu:

May Lower Blood Cholesterol

Acetic acid in vinegar can reduce serum total cholesterol levels by inhibiting lipogenesis and by promoting fecal bile acid excretion.

May Lower Blood Glucose and Insulin Response

Vinegar can be effective in reducing glucose and insulin levels after meals by improving the uptake of blood glucose by the muscles.

May Help with Weight Loss

Consuming as low as 2 teaspoons of vinegar per day can reduce body weight, BMI, visceral fat, waist circumference and serum triglyceride, which might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity.

May Increase Satiety After Meals

Consuming a tablespoon of vinegar just before or during a meal can significantly increase the feeling of satiety in the hours following the meal.

May Decrease your Risk or Slow the Progression of Accelerated Ageing, Cancer and Brain Degenerative Disorders

Bioactive substances such as polyphenols and vitamins in vinegar defend against oxidative stress due to their significant antioxidant activity, which in turn affect lipids, proteins and DNA.

Lastly, as a note of caution, even though I’m sure by now you can’t wait to add vinegar to all your meals, try to limit the intake to about 2 tablespoons per day, as drinking too much can cause an upset stomach and erode tooth enamel.


About the Author

Joline Hache

Adult Health and Wellness Digestive Health Integrative Preventative Care Plant based nutrition Sports and Plant Based Nutrition


Hi! I’m Joline, and I’m a nutrition addict. I became interested in plant-based nutrition shortly after finishing my University degree, as a way to heal...

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