Vitamin C to Boost Immunity!

Citrus fruits just got even better!!!

November 13, 2016

Benefits of Vitamin C

As a child, my favorite part of my bedtime routine was when my mother handed out the tasty orange colored vitamins! My mother was ahead of her time in trying to keep her kids healthy via diet and exercise – as soon as the cold weather made it’s appearance, she loaded us up on vitamin C and for good reason!

The human body does not have the ability to make vitamin C, nor can it store it.

We need to consume daily amounts of this vitamin to refrain from becoming deficient. Your body needs it for healing and repairing wounds and to keep your teeth, bones and heart healthy. It also helps you to absorb iron from food. (for those deficient in iron and taking supplements, take alongside vitamin C).

Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant – helping to slow down aging by blocking damage caused by free radicals and by increasing your collagen production. In turn, it helps to prevent the common cold as well as other infections and disease. Vitamin C deficiency has been associated with frequency and duration of colds, along with immune system defects.

  • New studies confirm that vitamin C supplementation at 1,000 mg per day shortens the duration and mitigates the severity of colds, while also preventing colds from developing – especially in those with low vitamin C levels.

Loading up on fresh (preferably organic) fruits and vegetables throughout the day will assist you with getting your recommended daily allowance (RDA 150 mg for adults). It is best to space out your consumption of vitamin C in regular intervals as it is usually out of your system within 3-4 hours.

If you find yourself stressed out with work/school/family, you need to increase your daily dose even more as the body will use it more rapidly in times of stress.

I am now carrying on the tradition with my own two children with their star shaped, wild berry flavored vitamin – also the favorite part of their bedtime routine!

Munch on the healthy snacks below throughout your day to help boost your immune system this winter – remember that raw is always best!

  • bell peppers
  • dark leafy greens
  • kiwifruit
  • broccoli
  • berries
  • citrus fruits (oranges,lemons)
  • tomatoes
  • peas
  • papayas

Make up a delicious fruit salad with the above fruits for breakfast and a big, beautiful kale and spinach salad topped with tomatoes and peppers for lunch – your Vitamin C in the bag for the day !!



About the Author

Chantal Gauthier

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