So What’s The Deal with Coconut Oil Anyway?

June 29, 2017

Over the last few years there has been a growing buzz and considerable promotion surrounding the multiple benefits of coconut oil. It seems there is some validity to all the hype and claims.

So What’s The Deal with Coconut Oil Anyway?

Known as a drupe in the botanical world, the coconut is a fruit with an outer fleshy part surrounding a pit with a seed inside. The familiar white meaty bit and opaque water are actually the insides of the coconut seed. Coconut oil is obtained through various methods producing a variety of qualities, flavours and nutritional benefits. It is best to choose a Virgin Coconut Oil that uses fresh coconut meat and a dry or wet milling process to extract the oil.

By now it is popular to cook with coconut oil and engulf the kitchen in yummy tropical smells and smear it on our skin to achieve a silky smooth finish, but there are other benefits to use coconut oil.

Coconut oil is approximately 60% healthy medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) like Caprylic acid, Lauric acid, and Capric acid. These MCFA are processed by the liver and converted into energy much more efficiently than other fats making coconut oil a perfect energy source. The ketones produced by the liver during processing supply fuel for the brain and may provide an alternative source of energy to repair brain function. In addition, these MCFA can be accessed in the brain without the use of insulin helping to improve brain function and memory.

As an antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral agent, the lauric acid in coconut oil assists the immune system by reducing candida, fighting bacteria, and creating a hostile environment for viruses. By destroying candida, the health of the digestive system improves and allows easier absorption of fat soluble vitamins and calcium. By increasing the absorption of calcium the development of osteoporosis is adversely affected because of an increase in bone volume and structure along with a decrease in bone loss.

The MCFA in coconut oil are great for building muscle which in turn support our body structure and are commonly included in supplements targeted to increase muscle mass. Adding the oil directly to your shakes ensures purity and quality.

So with all our insides healthy and happy, our outsides deserve some lovin’ as well.

The MCFA, Caprylic and Lauric, again step up to the benefit plate by protecting the skin as a sunscreen and anti-inflammatory agent that can sooth many types of skin conditions. It can be simply spread on the face and body as a moisturizer to obtain a silky smooth finish loaded with many antioxidants that aid in preventing pre-mature aging. Ya gotta like that!!

As for our hair, coconut oil has the perfect balance of fatty acids to help with the growth of healthy hair and reduce the loss of protein that would cause hair to look dull and damaged. Massaging coconut oil directly onto your scalp or mixing a small amount with an essential oil to create a natural conditioner will produce healthy, shiny hair that you will love to run your fingers through.

So if you haven’t already discovered coconut oil or are unsure of how to use it – pick up a jar and don’t be afraid. You can substitute coconut oil for many dietary, household and personal health regiments including the butter on your toast!

About the Author

Marni Dangerfield

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