Ali Craig

Holistic Nutrition London

Growing up I never felt overly passionate about anything in regards to work and my career path. I knew I wanted to do something that I wholeheartedly cared about and I knew I wanted to help people. I just wasn’t sure in which capacity. Nothing stood out that made me feel like ‘THIS’ is what I am meant to be doing. It was when I found my passion for fitness, healthy nutrition, self-development and holistic living that my dream of creating my own wellness business blossomed.

In April of 2017 I decided that I was fully capable of starting my own business and Body Positive Wellness was born. I am incredibly grateful to get to do what I love every day. I am incredibly excited to add Holistic Nutrition Consultations to my list of services in the near future.

“We often struggle to find our purpose, but maybe it’s as simple as doing what we love over and over again.”

Posts by Ali Craig

Cacao Smoothie Nutraphoria

Cacao Banana Bliss Smoothie

Dessert for breakfast? Say no more. I’ll just admit it, I have a sweet tooth… finding healthy alternatives to satisfy my “sweet cravings” is a...

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