I got hooked on Nutrition when I figured out my sinusitis was cause by a food allergy. I was stuck taking a prescription that had a long list of possible side effects. I hated having to take it daily, but I was also so glad it worked and I no longer had to go through so many boxes of tissues.
After years of dealing with Sinusitis, I stumbled upon an educational video on inflammation and food allergies. The idea that food could be causing my nose to constantly run due to inflammation blew my mind. It motivated me to try an elimination diet and after just a few days, I was already feeling amazing. Swelling and water weight caused by the inflammation just went away, my shoes fit loser and my rings fit better. I had more energy and almost a bounce to my step 🙂 My nose stopped running….naturally.
To think that the food we eat could have such an impact on our quality of life. After 2 weeks without them, I gradually introduced dairy, eggs, peanuts, gluten, corn and soy back into my life. I found the culprit! 12 hours after I consume soy protein, my face and joints hurt and my nose feels like a tap that won’t stop dripping for another 12 hours. I was so inspired by the effects that food had on our bodies, that I enrolled in the 2 year program to become a Certified Holistic Nutritionist.
I currently work in HR and have a lot of experience training and coaching people as a manager. Being able to help people live longer and feel better through food makes me so excited. Introducing healthier ingredients to their favourite recipes without sacrificing flavour is key to making lifestyle changes rather than dieting. I can’t wait to start helping people through this journey.