ashley agrey

Nutrition Coach

Hey everybody my name is Ashley I was born and raised in Alberta on a farm outside of a little town called Edson, I come from a family of six who’s main diet consisted of the traditional meat and potatoes being that both of my parents were raised on a  similar diet when they were children. So the meat, potatoes, gravy was a norm in my family among other foods of course but every meal had one of these foods which isn’t a bad thing but you can see that once I adopted a different style or palette of more adventurous foods my parents were amused and questioned my choices to say the least. I started to begin my quest by making all kinds of smoothies and then slowly graduated to juicing which raised some eye brows. Even though my parents, siblings and friends weren’t on board with my eating habits I never felt like the odd one out  I’m sure it was entertaining to them watching this mad scientist in the kitchen but to me I was serious no matter what outlandish things I would eat, make or create in the name of health I was on a journey through the bumps, road blocks and obstacles I would face,  it never stalled my passion.  Its only recently that my family and friends have started to take notice and were more genuinely interested in why I was eating this way and started asking me questions which was super exciting and even now are eating a little more health conscious so I’ll take that as a win. So first things first health and the connection with food has always intrigued me. Ever since I was a teenager I paid attention to my eating habits I felt that they played important role in my life. I’ve always had a petite frame but still realized that I still had to make healthy choices most of the time to maintain my energy levels and current weight as well as keep active just because  your a teenager doesn’t exclude you from gaining weight quickly or encountering health problems, ya I was young and maybe my body could bounce back quicker but I believed you are what you eat. So it started at an early age which I’m thankful for at that point in my life, because since then I have become  more informed about food and what it means to me as an individual and my body which has led me to embark on this incredible health journey and I am excited to grow and gain knowledge every step of the way. I am open to different perspectives and views from people who share the same passion about everything that has to do with health whether it be food, diet,  and how it relates to the body. With the loads of information out their it can be so confusing to decipher what’s true and what’s going to be helpful to your body I believe if you want to find answers do your homework, take the time and research I admit I’m a guinea pig I’m always willing to try new healthy recipes, drinks no matter how weird they sound, face masks, hair masks, the latest greatest supper foods I’ve been there you want to reap those benefits of course we do but within reason and maybe use a little common sense sometimes my judgement is clouded by the so called results you will get, so I understand its frustrating at times for sure. What matters most to me now that I’ am in my late twenties is to be a positive inspiration to those I encounter in my life. Reflect the change that I want to see, be a living, breathing, example of how health effects every aspect of our lives and in the mean time encourage others to follow me on this exciting adventure.

Posts by ashley agrey

Shepherds Pie Nutraphoria

Vegetarian Sweet Potato And Lentil Shepherds Pie

I found this recipe online and absolutely love how simple it is to throw together especially when you have run out of ideas for what...

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Bean and Quinoa Salad Nutraphoria

Black Bean And Quinoa Superfood Salad

A bowl of awesomeness, this salad is perfect for bringing you the refreshing feeling after being in the hot summer heat all day it’s become...

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