Hi! I’m Ashley, a 36 year old mom of two kids, my daughter who is 14 and my son who is 11. We have a very active household with 2 French Bulldogs also, we are always on the move!
Health and nutrition has always been in the forefront of my life, although my passion for a healthy family and lifestyle has only grown larger with my age. I was always a very active child, playing soccer for many years of my childhood, as well as competitively swimming for 10 years all over Ontario. Being in the pool was a huge passion for me. My issue as a child was that I was obese. It was never an issue for me as I was always athletic and active, but once I got to my teenage years I realized that I did not want to be actively obese for the rest of my life. I turned 15 and started running every morning before school. I watched what I was putting in my body, and how much I was putting in my body. Once I started loosing weight and feeling better physically and mentally, I knew this was something that I could help people with. Then life happened, I went to school to become a Law Clerk, and was stuck behind a desk 8-10 hours a day, with zero activity other than running up and down the stairs. We then had our two children and my health and fitness aspiration got put on the backburner.
Fast forward 10 years and my passion for health and wellness has grown even more! I want to be able to help families and moms just like me in making the right and healthy decisions for their families. I want to help make it easy for them and show them the transition is literally life changing. Doing a nutritional life change seems scary and overwhelming and I want to show you that it isn’t! It can be so exciting watching yourself and your family transition into the healthy humans that we are meant to be!