Becky Van Drunen

Family Meals Surrey

Over the last few years I’ve been spending a lot of time in the kitchen and it has changed my life. I grew up as a bit of a picky eater, never very interested in the “meat and potatoes” style of cooking.

Throughout my teens and early 20’s I ate a lot of prepackaged, processed foods and very little (if any some days!) whole foods. As you can imagine I was unhappy, unhealthy and constantly trying to revamp my life with fad diets and quick fixes. I lost weight and lost energy, then gained back the weight and lost more energy. Same old cycle over and over again. I was tired of eating just to be full.

Tired of feeling yucky because of way to much sodium and carbs and not enough protein and vegetables. I felt helpless every week as I watched most of the well-intentioned produce in my fridge end up in the garbage instead of my belly. Eventually my outlook began to change. I started doing a lot of reading and research on nutrition and healthy eating. I read every book and article I could get my hands on. I started eating for nutrition and not for weight loss. And I really lived it. I started changing my life, one meal at a time.

I very quickly discovered that there was a passion here beyond my initial curiosity. So much passion in fact that I went back to school to become a Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach. I’ve been living this way now for more than 7 years now. As the result of a whole bunch of small, gradual changes and most importantly weekly meal planning, I’ve become a much healthier person. I have found true joy and passion in the kitchen. I feed my family “from scratch” meals with whole food ingredients on a daily basis. I’ve got an arsenal of hundreds of recipes I’ve tried, improved upon and made again and again. I’ve become an expert shopper with a fuller wallet and an empty fridge at the end of every week.

I no longer struggle with weight and I have more energy than I ever thought possible. Most importantly, I feel good about the meals I feed my family. I am a wife, I am a mommy to 2 beautiful little girls (born May 2012 and Nov 2014,) I have a full time job, a part-time job (this!) and I have other activities that I participate in on a weekly basis. I get the “being too busy” mentality. I want to save you time. I will save you time. You’ll invest time thinking about food once a week, rather then every day.

You’ll get out of the car and around the kitchen table, where the magic truly happens. I’m not about low-calorie, low-fat or low anything really. I cook because I love to eat and I strive for a balance in all things, even culinary indulgences. I know food is more enjoyable when you know all the ingredients and can feel good about serving it to your family. Please join me on this adventure of deliciousness. Let’s change your life, one meal at a time.

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