Hello and welcome to my portal! Thanks for stopping by today!
I’ve just finished my tier 2 and am currently just starting my tier 3. I’ve had an amazing experience here so far and I’ve learned a LOT!! My journey, like most, is based upon a NEED to find ways to improve my health and those I love most, my children!!
Due to Covid and personal health issues, I lost my job in the oil & gas industry as so many others have in the last two years. But with that loss came the opportunity to change my path! I applied for EI right away and took some time to figure out if I still wanted to pursue the career that I had been in for 20 years, or if it was time to find a new path. Due to the physical demands of the oil & gas industry, the current low prices for the end product, the long days and weeks away from family or loved ones, the industry has become a very toxic way to earn money. Truly honourable and honest people have become extremely rare and hard to come upon in the current atmosphere of the oil & gas industry. These attitudes are why I decided to take a leap and that I NEEDED a change. I signed up here for my courses and I’ve been working my way through the content in hopes that I can keep my bills paid and be my own boss!
I also have other inspirations as to my “why”… After a very toxic and difficult divorce, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and was told that if I didn’t do something soon, it was likely that it would shift into Grave’s disease which ends up eventually leading to heart failure. Within the same calendar year, I ended up losing my oldest brother to melanoma. 15 days later, my friend of 30 years perished in a vehicle accident. Then, 8 months later, my hero (my father) passed away of lung cancer. My dad had always raised my siblings and I to respect nature and he took every vacation day that he had ever received to go up into the mountains hunting and fishing. For his last couple weeks alive, my mom had flown down to Florida with him to a natural treatment facility and he was making improvements in his health. But it was simply a matter of starting the treatment too late into the stage of cancer and he lost his battle. But the one good thing to come out of it was that I started looking into natural medicine more. I ended up seeing a ND in Vancouver that worked with me to completely cure me of hyperthyroidism through natural means!! This started me on the path I’m on now of hoping to not just improve MY life but with a hope that I can help others in my community and even abroad with their own health and wellness. 🙂