A warm welcome to you, reader. I’m glad you’re here. Having a healthy and balanced life is easy in this day and age, isn’t it? Please, unfurrow your brow, I jest. It’s not easy. In fact, it could be more difficult to be healthy now than it ever has been. Today’s world places many demands on our time and energy, and sometimes taking care of ourselves falls to the wayside amidst taking care of our children, our parents, working at a demanding job, and trying to have some form of social life. This is where a holistic coach comes in.
I began this journey after spending years on and off of various phases. Luckily I escaped the many fad diets that came around, but I always had a hard time staying on track with eating really well. Like many other people, I didn’t have enough knowledge, or enough time (or so I thought) to really understand what I was putting into my body. Now, as I head towards middle age, what I fuel my body with has become important enough to me that I make time to understand my choices, to plan meals that are healthy and still delicious, and to participate in activities that keep me well too – body, mind, and spirit.
As a human, I care about my fellow travelers on this journey through life that we have together and I want to make a difference. I want to help people find ways to make adjustments to their current lives so that these become lifestyle changes, not just fads. Making healthy choices can be intimidating but if you start out with training wheels, you’ll soon gain enough strength and confidence to take them off and really embrace the ride! With that in mind, my philosophy is that small changes, at first, are best. What accommodations are you willing and ready to make? What small adjustments can we start with you get you ready for something bigger and better that will bring about healthy and positive change in your lifestyle.
Before we get started, take a moment to thank yourself. Thank yourself for getting here – this is a step. Making change isn’t easy, but when you’re in it with someone else it seems a little less daunting. Thank yourself for wanting more out of your life – better fuel for your body, better sleep, increased energy, increased satisfaction with life. This is a choice you are making, and that you have the power to follow through with.