Jamie Kopp

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Fitness/Health Food as Medicine General Nutrition and Meal Plans Holistic Nutrition Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit British Columbia Vancouver



Jamie is currently completing her holistic nutrition coaching certificate through the NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition, and is a social advocate in local community.

Jamie’s intense passion for holistic wellness has grown and developed through various life experiences that have caused her to question food production and medical practices currently used today. Jamie has travelled to various countries around the world and has gained valuable insight and understanding about the important connection people’s around the world have to food and how that connection seems to be lost in the Western world. Jamie is a strong advocate for local, sustainably grown food and how imperative nutrition is not just for physical wellness, but just as importantly mental and spiritual wellness.

Jamie will continue to search, apply and share valuable resources and knowledge in health and nutrition to those who have a desire for change in their wellness and lifestyle goals.

Jamie is excited to share in your journey and provide the encouragement, support and resources needed to overcome challenges and barriers that prevent you from reaching your optimal wellness and happiness in life.

check out Jamie’s instagram! @jayjay_world1


Posts by Jamie Kopp

Water - Our Life Force Nutraphoria

Water – Our Life Force

Water – Our Life Force We need water every day to survive yet it’s something that most of us probably take for granted. ‘Anything that...

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