The Holistic Nutrition journey has been such an eye-opener for me. For over a decade I have been working as a Registered Practical Nurse, focusing on Western Medicine and what it had to offer.
My son was diagnosed at age four years old with Combined ADHD + Generalized Anxiety. Immediately we were told about how Ritalin would change his life. All the benefits to help him achieve the Neuro-Typical goals, especially for his education. So, at four he started on his first stimulant. Throughout the last four years, our path has taken some turns and a total of 3 stimulants were trialed. Unfortunately, they began to increase his anxiety and aggression so something had to change.
It is then that I knew we needed to try something different. I was then introduced to what would be the ultimate gift to my son. He had a chance at learning how to be in control of his own body, appetite increase, healthy weight gain. The list of benefits was long and real proof of the natural treatment was working.
I then knew that this was my calling. I want to educate and help women on hormonal imbalance, weight gain/loss, and helping spread body positivity. This will allow them to understand their own body and create a loving relationship with it so that they can achieve their goals. Body. Mind. Spirit.
Follow me on Instagram @jessicarachel86