- Working in the corporate world by day, and being a yogi by night. I decided in 2017 to start questioning everything I knew about my diet, my lifestyle, my impact on the planet and why I was making the choices I was. This led me to where I am now: vegetarian, Ashtanga yoga student, certified yoga teacher, and now educating myself to be a nutrition and health coach. I travel very extensively for work and it has become critical for me to ensure I’m staying both physically healthy and mentally healthy. I’ve developed some tips and travel hacks for anyone who knows what it’s like to wake up in a new hotel room each morning and not know what city you’re in. I love to talk about all things holistic whether it’s nutrition based, clean beauty routines, or diving deep into the spiritual questions of existence.
Side note: I am also a huge music lover and collect old vinyl records. Especially in love with old soul, Motown, and a little 80’s synth. After all, music does soothe the soul.