Hi! I’m Joti and I am a Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach. I am a mama of 2 little children who I am raising plant based. I gave up meat and dairy a few years ago when I started researching the benefits of a plant based diet. I had been struggling with chronic GI issues and eczema for my whole life and once I made the switch, I never looked back.
I am an advocate for living our best lives in the most natural way possible. It has been a passion of mine for years now and I’m just so grateful that I can show others how to live and thrive this way. I’m a forever student in this field and am constantly learning new ways to be a healthier version of myself. That’s what I offer my clients.
Since becoming a mom to 2 beautiful children, I’ve realized the importance of being in good health for ourselves as moms, but also for our kids. We are raising little humans so it is our job to equip them with this knowledge so they can flourish.
I take a full mind, body, soul approach to everything in life. To me, true health encompasses a balance amongst all 3 of those things. If this resonates with you, follow me on Instagram @__thehealthyway.